Boring Manna

Boring Manna

When someone reads the Old Testament for the first time, they will be surprised, “what, did God feed His people with the food that Angels eat?” When they continue to read further, they will be appalled by another incident in...
Christ = Life

Christ = Life

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.(Romans 6:23) The Bible that says that the wages of sin is death, does not proclaim that the gift of God,...
Grace and Truth

Grace and Truth

Billy:Brother, you shouldn’t talk only about grace. You must talk about grace and the truth simultaneously. John:What do you mean? Are you saying that grace and the truth contradict each other? Talking about grace is the truth! Well, tell me...
Can we sell spiritual things?

Can we sell spiritual things?

Can we sell spiritual things? this question is debated frequently among us. What is ‘merchandise’? It is the normalization of selling and buying in the society. It is spread all over the world and it covers it like a spider...
Faith prevails over probability

Faith prevails over probability

Have you ever thought what would have happened to David if the stone he slung towards Goliath had not striken him? If you think that it was David’s talent that he had aimed perfectly, then you are wrong. David himself...