‘Amen,’ transcends backwards in time

‘Amen,’ transcends backwards in time

The religion has taught us to say many “Amen’s” lifelessly everyday. However, a young woman said an “Amen” 2000 years ago, with obedience, modesty and faith. “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.”...
One day in Eden…

One day in Eden…

One day in Eden… . Eve and the serpent were conversing; God did not intervene then. Adam and Eve sinned listening to the serpent; God did not intervene there, too. After they knew that they had sinned, they felt guilty...
Attention critics of the Church

Attention critics of the Church

If you have any critical opinion on a preacher or on a church, you must also have a question to pose on them, that should stop their work temporarily and stir them to think of the answer. Most importantly, behind...
Is it dawn or dusk?

Is it dawn or dusk?

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. (John 9:4) These are the words said by Christ Jesus. We must have heard many preachers...
Miracle = Power

Miracle = Power

We might have listened to many preachers who say that Gospel is enough to save a soul and miracles are unnecessary. “Because Gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16), I do not...


After the redemption of Israelites from Egypt, Amalekites, the offsprings of Esau were the ones to fight against Israelites for the first time. Moses raised his hand standing on the peak of a mountain at a place called Rephidim. Israelites,...
The Secret of Almond

The Secret of Almond

Prunus dulcis, colloquially called ‘almond’ has a special place in the Bible. A group of Israelites rebelled in the wilderness regarding the priesthood and the call of Aaron. Because they were envious of the priesthood given to Aaron (Num 16:10)....