Dying to the opinions of others

Dying to the opinions of others

It is a good death to die for the opinion of others. Undoubtedly, the fellowship of the church is the workshop that transforms us to fullness as of Christ. But, there is a danger that you might be imposed with...
I do know what you know…

I do know what you know…

If a patient goes to consult a doctor, after diagnosing the patient, the doctor will clearly say what disease he has. He will say it only once, not each time he visits him. In each follow up session the doctor...
Account clearance..

Account clearance..

The spiritual account always contradicts the worldly account. When various foes of a man gather around against him, according to the worldly account, ‘his chapter is over!” But as per the spiritual account if those foes have gathered against a...
Prosperity > Rest > Immortality

Prosperity > Rest > Immortality

We saw in the previous article that the fear about scant lifespan ruins our rest and eventually reduces our lifespan. I have given the link of that article here in case if you have not read it. Similar to the...
Rest and immortality

Rest and immortality

The Lord is my shepherd, hence I am resting. As I am resting, I will live a long life. This is the abstract of the famous Psalm 23 that we know since our childhood. Resting does mean being dormant without...
That instant noodles formula..

That instant noodles formula..

When the Israelites were athirst in the wilderness, God sweetened the bitterness of the waters of Marah. Are you worried that your life had become bitter as of Marah? Do not fret, my dear children! The same God who transformed...
The foe has been defeated..

The foe has been defeated..

Jews hit Him, He did not blow them back,Romans hit Him, He did not strike back,They spat on His face, threatened Him,He did not riot. They crowned Him with thorns,They ripped His body with whip,Crucified Him on the Cross,He did...