But, at the end..

But, at the end..

Adam – Eve :“Your eyes shall open if you eat the fruit!”Said the serpent..Did their eyes open immediately? “Yes”But, at the end, curse befell over Mankind!Omit wilfully what God has disregarded! Noah :“Build an ark, a havoc awaits!”Did the disaster...
Habit of righteous

Habit of righteous

The book of Genesis says that Noah and his family resided in the ark for around a year. Noah entered the ark when he was aged 600 and came out of the ark when he was 601 years old (Gen...
Disciple versus Bigot

Disciple versus Bigot

Even if thousands of people assembled, a bigotic gathering is not a Church. A fellowship of few disciples is the Church. The preaching of a sectarian is a leaven, which only circles around the material benefits. The preaching of a...
Hay, wait until the wheat(Huios) emerges!!

Hay, wait until the wheat(Huios) emerges!!

Who’s there??… Enrobed with immaculate attire,An adorned Preacher,A bravo in Prayer,Lionhearted in keeping up the Mosaic Law,Good as gold in shunning the vile and low,Head of the Synagogue,Comrade of Roman Monarch,The symbol of Jewish Sigil,Who is that noble?… ‘The Pharisees...
Weeds inside the Church

Weeds inside the Church

‘I will open my mouth with a parable,’ ( Psalm 78:2) says the word of God. And so did Jesus Christ, spoke in parables when he preached the people. Among such parables, even the disciples could not understand one, which...
Exorcists, for your information!!

Exorcists, for your information!!

Some years ago, I watched a video that advertised a famous exorcist (A Christian preacher who claims to have the gift of exorcism) from Africa who then came to Singapore. His adventurous procedures of exorcism were shown in it. He...
Which is the right doctrine?

Which is the right doctrine?

The one that transforms our nature like that of Christ is the right doctrine. When I listen to that doctrine, I understand that despite being saved from the Hellfire, I am called to accomplish something in this world. If the...