Browsing Category


What do you see, son of man?

What do you see, son of man?

The whole cosmos is full of answers, whilst our heart has countless questions. There is a curtain between the two in order to prevent us from finding the answers for the questions that we have in our minds. This curtain...
Read between the lines… 

Read between the lines… 

The whole of Israel was celebrating the small boy as a ‘bravo..’ “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands,” the women extolled David higher than Saul. David could have maintained that same image of a bravo...
As an eagle

As an eagle

We wear clothes everyday. When it becomes untidy, we launder it and wear it again. In case, if man decides not to launder his clothes, it will become more and more unclean, ragged and it will be torn apart one...
An important decision

An important decision

Whenever I preach youngsters, my sermons are about only one subject. It is about the most important decision a youngster has to make in his youth. It is, “Lord, the decisions I have to make in my life, be it...
Rise above the matrix

Rise above the matrix

It’s a common understanding that leading a spiritual life entails attending places of worship, worshiping particular God, and adhering to the teachings of a religion. But spiritual life actually means living in a higher dimension. As we are caged inside...
Knowledge as well as authority… 

Knowledge as well as authority… 

The Almighty God sent ten plagues to Egypt in order to deliver His people from that country. And at the same time, He protected the Israelites from all those plagues who lived in Goshen inside the same nation.  The sorcerers...


You might have noticed in Television debates, one party will be speaking the truth, in a temperate manner. The other party who has no answer will shout to bring a chaos in order to stop debating about a certain topic....