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To God for the people… 

To God for the people… 

Many years ago I wrote an article about believers who murmur against God. I later comprehended how immature I was when I wrote that article. Some years after writing that article there would be none who would have murmured against...
Zoe – Rightful Son

Zoe – Rightful Son

As an Emperor had to visit a foreign country urgently, he told his ministers to coronate his elder son among both of his sons as the next emperor. The elder son who is to be coronated is called “Zoe (Zoe...
That instant noodles formula..

That instant noodles formula..

When the Israelites were athirst in the wilderness, God sweetened the bitterness of the waters of Marah. Are you worried that your life had become bitter as of Marah? Do not fret, my dear children! The same God who transformed...
Miracle = Power

Miracle = Power

We might have listened to many preachers who say that Gospel is enough to save a soul and miracles are unnecessary. “Because Gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16), I do not...
Can we sell spiritual things?

Can we sell spiritual things?

Can we sell spiritual things? this question is debated frequently among us. What is ‘merchandise’? It is the normalization of selling and buying in the society. It is spread all over the world and it covers it like a spider...
Jesus also criticised

Jesus also criticised

Christ Jesus criticized the clothing of Teachers of the Law (Mark 12:38). He did not denounce about the way they dressed, but about the intent of their dressing. The Teachers of Mosaic Law did not love serving people, instead they...
Words of wolf

Words of wolf

It is not necessary that the wolves in sheep’s clothing should be humans. They can be words, too. Some of such words are shown below: My prayerMy ministryMy fastingMy holinessMy faithMy talentMy preachingMy obedienceMy effortsMy anointing From the words mentioned...
Joseph And Samson

Joseph And Samson

We live in an era, where even the servants of God have forgotten that His (God’s) eyes are too pure to look on evil (Habakkuk 1:13). We see two servants of God in the Bible. One is Joseph and the...