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Account clearance..

Account clearance..

The spiritual account always contradicts the worldly account. When various foes of a man gather around against him, according to the worldly account, ‘his chapter is over!” But as per the spiritual account if those foes have gathered against a...
The Lord of Kings

The Lord of Kings

There is a debate among us that has been prolonging for days, whether Christians should take part in politics. Many indulge themselves in politics as they need a representative to talk for themselves. It is good. This article does not...
Behold, thou hast conquered time!!

Behold, thou hast conquered time!!

In the spiritual realm, there is a small special group. God loves this particular group very much (Psalm 147:11). The people in this group are called “people who wait for the Lord.” Their life is different. It is the complete...
Dare not tangle with God

Dare not tangle with God

“Allah is the best of those who scheme,” says Al Quran (8:30). It does not call him trickster pessimistically. Instead the verse means that the God is good in planning war strategy. The direct meaning of the verse is “Dare...
Never compromise with strongholds

Never compromise with strongholds

If a stronghold hinders your path, walking around it or walking over it is glory to the stronghold. But if you cross the stronghold after sabotaging it, leaving no evidence of the obstacle there, then it is glory to the...
Is it dawn or dusk?

Is it dawn or dusk?

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. (John 9:4) These are the words said by Christ Jesus. We must have heard many preachers...
The throne of the Father

The throne of the Father

It is our duty to pray as a church against the unfairness, immorality and evil happening in our country and to react abiding by the law as dutiful citizens. In many countries, churches have recorded their opposition towards abortion of...