Browsing Category


Grinding the same batter…     

Grinding the same batter…     

There is an expression in South India that goes like this, “grinding the same batter over and over again,” which actually means “Rinse and Repeat.” That is, a continual repetition of something. In the scriptures, the Lord Jesus has spoken...
Dangerous Satiation

Dangerous Satiation

Be it a Orthodox or a Charismatic church, every church has its own tradition. It varies according to the region, language and culture. It might be radical to say that we must not follow any sort of tradition, but it...
Dying to the opinions of others

Dying to the opinions of others

It is a good death to die for the opinion of others. Undoubtedly, the fellowship of the church is the workshop that transforms us to fullness as of Christ. But, there is a danger that you might be imposed with...
Can I?

Can I?

In the Christian seminars, during the query session, most of the questions will be, “can Christians do this? Can we eat this? Can I wear that dress? Can I.. ?” their questions go on and on. The servant of God...
Why are we divided?

Why are we divided?

“Why are there divisionsAmong us, Christians?”I inquired.They replied in concord,“Scriptural interpretations significant,We are divided because of that!” “But the Scripture itself saysUs to be like-minded, doesn’t it?”Asked I.. Nobody could reply..
Christian music…

Christian music…

The world is divided into two categories as wealthy moneybags and ordinary people. There might be difference in discrimination but this sort of categorization is seen in each and every country. This discrimination is reflected upon food, lifestyle, habits and...
Hay, wait until the wheat(Huios) emerges!!

Hay, wait until the wheat(Huios) emerges!!

Who’s there??… Enrobed with immaculate attire,An adorned Preacher,A bravo in Prayer,Lionhearted in keeping up the Mosaic Law,Good as gold in shunning the vile and low,Head of the Synagogue,Comrade of Roman Monarch,The symbol of Jewish Sigil,Who is that noble?… ‘The Pharisees...
Weeds inside the Church

Weeds inside the Church

‘I will open my mouth with a parable,’ ( Psalm 78:2) says the word of God. And so did Jesus Christ, spoke in parables when he preached the people. Among such parables, even the disciples could not understand one, which...