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Christian Life

Our Body – His Holy Temple

Our Body – His Holy Temple

“Your body is the temple of God.” Apostle Paul used this affirmation thrice in the Epistles he wrote. We see that all those three times, he stated those words in order to recollect, along with either a warning or with...
Holiness comes naturally

Holiness comes naturally

After salvation, struggling (self-attempts) to live a holy life to gain the love of God, is not struggling for God but with God. “Apart from me you can do nothing,” says Christ (John 15:5). Unless we realize that depending on...
If I do not have love…

If I do not have love…

Aren’t we speaking about Jesus always, but why do Annas and Caiaphas evolve from us instead of Christ? Aren’t we preaching about the Cross. But why do we crucify others on the Cross instead of carrying our own Cross? Aren’t...
What do we seek for?

What do we seek for?

God > Desires > the Sermons we hear > Transformation of mind > Appropriate Seeking > Appropriate Journey Self > Lust > Inappropriate Sermons > Deception > Incorrect Seeking > Diverted Journey Seeking plays an important role in determining the...
But, at the end..

But, at the end..

Adam – Eve :“Your eyes shall open if you eat the fruit!”Said the serpent..Did their eyes open immediately? “Yes”But, at the end, curse befell over Mankind!Omit wilfully what God has disregarded! Noah :“Build an ark, a havoc awaits!”Did the disaster...
Habit of righteous

Habit of righteous

The book of Genesis says that Noah and his family resided in the ark for around a year. Noah entered the ark when he was aged 600 and came out of the ark when he was 601 years old (Gen...