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The Apostle’s Foe

The Apostle’s Foe

This three-dimensional world is inherently flawed and cannot be the creation of a supremely benevolent God. How could a truly good deity be responsible for a world so rife with suffering and imperfection? Instead, the Supreme God brought forth the...
Will Jehovah Jireh provide a car?

Will Jehovah Jireh provide a car?

“The term Jehovah Jireh is not about provide you a car. It talks about providing a lamb as a sacrifice for you“ This quote had been circling on the internet these days. It was said by an honorable preacher whom...
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There are plenty of pastors who skew the Bible and preach it for their benefit. God has foretold us that the Christianity of the last days will be like this. But some pastors who truly love God and the church,...
Exorcists, for your information!!

Exorcists, for your information!!

Some years ago, I watched a video that advertised a famous exorcist (A Christian preacher who claims to have the gift of exorcism) from Africa who then came to Singapore. His adventurous procedures of exorcism were shown in it. He...