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Well, Who Are You All?

Well, Who Are You All?

Most of the debates of Indian Christians on the Facebook giddify me. It is because of the ignorance of my brothers and sisters. One asks, “Saturday is the Sabbath according to the Bible, why don’t you observe it?” On the...
Will Jehovah Jireh provide a car?

Will Jehovah Jireh provide a car?

“The term Jehovah Jireh is not about provide you a car. It talks about providing a lamb as a sacrifice for you“ This quote had been circling on the internet these days. It was said by an honorable preacher whom...
Enemy that swallows our time

Enemy that swallows our time

Certain political comedians speak controversial subjects intentionally and it becomes a hot topic in news channels and social media, critics debate about these stuff, only to divert people’s attention. Simultaneously, the wealth of the country is being pillaged behind the...
Filters Required

Filters Required

There are plenty of pastors who skew the Bible and preach it for their benefit. God has foretold us that the Christianity of the last days will be like this. But some pastors who truly love God and the church,...
Which is the right doctrine?

Which is the right doctrine?

The one that transforms our nature like that of Christ is the right doctrine. When I listen to that doctrine, I understand that despite being saved from the Hellfire, I am called to accomplish something in this world. If the...