Prayer and Faith

Prayer and Faith

Both Prayer and Faith are inseparable twins. One is useless without the other. It is inappropriate to praise one and belittle the other. The Lord tells the Faithful to “ask” (Luke 18:35-43) and to the one who prays to “believe”...
A woman is…

A woman is…

We read in the Bible that God created every living organism as male as well as female. But when he created human, he did not create both the genders together. Adam lived alone in Eden for sometime. Before Adam had...
The one who reigns over the stars

The one who reigns over the stars

“Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion’s belt?” (Job 38:31) Biblical scholars say that devotee Job must have lived during the time period between 2350 BCE to 1750 BCE. Which is, the era between the...
The ultimate victory of nothingness

The ultimate victory of nothingness

There are some verses which nobody could ever speak and nobody ever spoken were uttered only by Christ. One of those verses is: “For the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me.” (John 14:30) One...
Food and medicine

Food and medicine

How difficult it would be to work under a boss who nitpicks about everything in us! How would it be, if we are surrounded by thousand of such nitpickers! From our attire to body language, everything will be criticized without...
Habit of righteous

Habit of righteous

The book of Genesis says that Noah and his family resided in the ark for around a year. Noah entered the ark when he was aged 600 and came out of the ark when he was 601 years old (Gen...
Where are the truth uttering mouths?

Where are the truth uttering mouths?

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,” says John 8:32. But has the Truth been preached truthfully to redeem the people? Why is it not preached so? What detains the preachers from preaching the...