About the Author

A sinner saved by grace, walking in His light.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

I welcome you all to my blog in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. These are the English translations of the Tamil articles that I have been writing since 2008.

I was born on the 9th of October, 1976, in an ancient town Madurai, India. Although I was born and brought up in Christian Faith, the experience of spiritual rebirth was missing in me. I underwent through that experience few months after my under graduation, in 1996. Christ intervened into my life on the 16th of August, 1996. He began conversing with me from then. I surrendered my whole life to Him.

You might have heard many witnesses of people saying that their lives have changed from failure and obstacles, and heightened to victory after accepting Jesus Christ in their lives. That is how a person’s life would change after accepting Christ as their saviour. I had the same expectations when I went to Jesus. But everything happened contrarily.

I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of the Lord’s wrath. He has driven me away and made me walk in darkness rather than light; indeed, he has turned his hand against me again and again, all day long. He has made my skin and my flesh grow old and has broken my bones.He has besieged me and surrounded me with bitterness and hardship. He has made me dwell in darkness like those long dead. He has walled me in so I cannot escape; he has weighed me down with chains.

It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man to bear the yoke while he is young. Let him sit alone in silence, for the Lord has laid it on him. Let him bury his face in the dust — there may yet be hope. Let him offer his cheek to one who would strike him, and let him be filled with disgrace.

The above mentioned verses are taken from Lamentations chapter 3. During the time, when I consented Christ, Lamentations chapter 3 encircled me. I felt in my spirit that these verses were written for me. But my heart was not willing to agree to it. Because, whoever reads that chapter will never love that sort of life. When I reborn in Christ, He revealed me how my future would be, what blessings He has for me, what intent does He have on me and how my future ministry would be. Those were so unimaginable.

I was delighted to know that these blessings are going to happen sooner. That is when Lamentations chapter 3 evinced in life. It kept chasing me when I thought of running away from it. As it is said in Lamentations 3, I faced failures, mislead and disappointment over and over, I ran to God again to remind him of the promises he gave me, “Lord, bless me as you promised.” The only reply he gave is, “wait..”

In the past two and a half decades, the only word that I heard from the Lord frequently is “wait..”

It is true that you are promised a glorious life, but you have to journey across a wilderness before it. I am going to transmogrify you only in that wilderness. Hence, be patient, relax and wait…

All right.. I shall wait for a year, two years.. Doesn’t it weary out our hearts if we keep waiting in the wilderness for decades??

Those who know the Bible may know what the experience of wilderness is. I shall tell for those who do not know. You will be among the people, but no law will work on you as it does on other people. It is a common law that ‘hard work leads to success.’ But for the one in the wilderness, until he stays there, he will not succeed even if he strives hard, he will not accomplish anything even if he works hard, he will find no solution even if he cries out, he cannot run way or flee from the wilderness.

Even if you are creative like Bezalel, wise like Daniel, business savvy like Jacob, or great administrator like Moses, you cannot succeed with your skills in the wilderness. It is a life in which you are imprisoned inside an iron cage. Unless you learn what God wants you learn, and unless you change your nature that God likes, you cannot escape from the wilderness. But every man that formed, trained and used by the Lord are edified in the wilderness.

There are many examples for this. Abraham waited for 25 years to have the blessing, Isaac. God revealed Joseph about all his blessings when he was a kid, but he had to wait for it until he turned 36 year old. Until then, “They bruised his feet with shackles, his neck was put in irons, till what he foretold came to pass, till the word of the Lord proved him true,” (Psalm 108:18, 19) says the Bible. All the more, David, Elijah, John the Baptist and many Biblical heroes were trained in the wilderness.

When renowned preacher Leonard Ravenhill refered about John the Baptist, he said, “great eagles fly alone, great lions hunt alone, great souls walk alone – alone with God.” Yes, only you alone with God, dwell in the wilderness. Therefore, despite the hardships of the wilderness, as God dwells with you, there will be no scarce of safety and peace. All your basic needs shall be met.

After coming out of the wilderness, there will be abundance of blessings and elevation. Moreover, the way God uses them will be magnificent.

I also had to go through such wilderness at my young age. After two decades, “I became the laughingstock of all my own people; they mock me in song all day long. He has filled me with bitter herbs and given me gall to drink.” (Lam 3:14,15) As Lamentations 3:18 says, ‘So I say, “My splendor is gone and all that I had hoped from the Lord,”’ I came to the same state in 2015.

I decided that neither do I want Christ and nor the ministry. As I had been athirst for spiritual knowledge since my childhood, I could not be without it. I continued to seek. I started liking Hinduism and Astrology. In South India, each family has their own ancestral deity. As my family was converted to Christianity three generations before, none of my family members knew who our family deity is. I began searching who my ancestral deity is. It was shown to me miraculously. And I wondrously got a chance to see that deity, whose temple was very far off.

I spent my leisure in learning Astrology and Numerology. I went to the hospital where I was born on 1976, and had the staff show the record of my birth and time of birth. I reckoned my own astromantic chart.

Apart from that, I began learning Philosophy, Kundalini Yoga, Occult, Energy Healing also. I specialized in everything so quickly. I believed wholeheartedly that Christianity is a lie, Jesus is a lie and that I had no relationship with Christ. I could shake the foundation of faith of any Christian devotee who talked to me. Most of my Christian friends stopped talking to me and avoided me. Two years passed like this. But I did not get any redemption or development as I expected. On the contrary, my life became as dark as Hell.

The Christ who I forsook, came in search of me again in 2017. An incident which had happened that year turned my life upside down. Consequently, I surrendered myself to God once again. I believed that my Father would bless me as the Father who had blessed his prodigal son who repented his sins in Luke chapter 15.

I acquired a multitude of love from my Heavenly Father more than the love given by the Father to the prodigal Son. But, the blessing I expected, was not bequeathed to me. God put me on the same ‘wait’ track, from where I fled. But this time, he opened my spiritual eyes and disclosed to me, why he guides me through this path and why this ‘waiting’ is necessary, and I apprehended the reason behind it. I realized that my call from God is greater. I praised God wholeheartedly for this wait, which I disliked once.

The way Lamentations 3 chased me after my rebirth in Christ, the same way Isaiah 60 began chasing me afterwards. I felt strongly in my spirit that this chapter was written for me. The Holy Spirit conferred to me that my life is a journey from Lamentations 3 to Isaiah 60. I felt joyous in my heart that God had guided me through the darkness to bestow me with such an abundance. I was fascinated by the great wisdom of the Lord and His guidance.

There was a considerable development in my spiritual life after 2017. After 2022, my career progressed, too. I know that these are the steps to greatness. I know that success in career, prosperity, relations, and blessing will come to me at the right time. Moreover, I compare today’s Vijay with the immature, weak hearted Vijay of 1996. God has transformed this reed into a rock in faith, belief and in spiritual comprehension.

God has transformed me into a fearless man. I no longer fear anything that other worldly ones fear. I am not afraid of what will happen tomorrow. I am not terrified of my children’s future, not worried about the economic conditions of the world, not horrified by recession. I am not afraid of sickness, aging and death. No debts, no EMI worries. I do not let money rule me. My life is not dependent on anyone or any organization. My heart is filled with peace despite the struggles of life. My mind is as clear as a crystal. I know what satiated life means. I sleep as a baby at night.

These are the blessings of journey across Lamentations 3 and patience in waiting. This cannot be learnt in a Theological College, but only in the encampment of the Holy Ghost.

I could not write much as it would be so lengthy. I wrote earlier that an incident which had happened in 2017, changed my life. What is it? Why does the loving, gracious Father guide most of His children through this burdensome wilderness? Can God bless His children only after guiding them through the wilderness? What are the lessons that I had learned in the experience of wilderness? I have written all these in my E-book called The Master – How God thanks a man whom He has chosen for His purpose.‘ You can download it for free.

The reason for writing this testimony in this blog as well as in that book is, because many brothers and sisters who had come across this same journey through the wilderness contacted me and shared their experiences. My testimony will surely help a new believer who travels through the same path.

Let us stay in contact. Comment your thoughts. If you would like to communicate with me, write to me in the page ‘contact.’ I shall surely write back to you. We shall grow in Christ together.

With Regards,
Vijaykumar Jayaraj.