Where are the truth uttering mouths?

Where are the truth uttering mouths?

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,” says John 8:32. But has the Truth been preached truthfully to redeem the people? Why is it not preached so? What detains the preachers from preaching the Truth truthfully?

The ones who do not follow their beliefs and preaching, in their everyday lives cannot preach the Truth truthfully. As they are not clear about the practice of Spiritual Truths, they burden the people in the name of preaching, which they rather touch.

The ones who do not learn from the Holy Ghost but from the Internet, Amplified Bibles and preaching Handbooks, cannot preach the Truth truthfully. Their sermons will be flooded with Knowledge but the scarcity of the Spirit will reflect on it.

A few might have done miracles through their prayers after salvation. A group of people might have followed him after learning about the miraculous deeds. Then he will pronounce himself to be a pastor and will begin worship and preaching. We do not ask for theological certification to run a church. A new believer can spread the Gospel through his testimony. But it is totally different to take charge as a Shepherd. How can the one who does not know the basic Truth guide the flock through the narrow gate? It needs call and experience.

The preachers betrapped by secretive sins cannot preach the Truth and redeem others as their guilty conscience pricks them. They will not correct themselves and will ignore other’s sinful activities as well.

The liars and the hypocrites cannot speak the Truth of God. They are good stage-performers. They will act in the altar as if they are captivated totally by the Holy Spirit of God. They will bluff, “I cannot bear the strength of the Holy Ghost.. It burdens me.. I might fall if I do not hold the altar..” They will pretend as if they are trembling, with closed eyes.. They will feign shouting, ‘ow ow’ as though the warmth of the Spirit is unbearable. The intention of their play is to win the trust of people gathered and to make them believe that each word they utter is not theirs but God’s. The background music of the keyboard brings life to their play. But their preaching does not have the essence. The preaching of Peter and the other Apostles without any exaggeration saved 3000 people then. But these overstating preachers, who act as if they are holding the heavens can only give a temporary energy to the people, nothing permanent.

God cannot use the ones who think preaching on the Sundays, only as their duty. The Bible verse, which calls the ones who do the work of God lethargically as ‘cursed’ suits these preachers well. God only speaks through the responsible preachers who care about the souls of the ones who hear the sermon and meditate for hours for preparing the sermon sincerely.

When a person who represents a particular church denomination or a Christian organization stands on the dais, even when he know that the principles and deeds of the organization are against the Bible, he cannot preach the Truth. This is a freezing situation. For these preachers, their breadwinning is vital!!

It is not a fault when a pastor shares his spiritual experiences, but those experiences should be pertaining to the Truth of the Bible. The pastors who preach by their own experiences and not the Truth of the Bible, confuse the people. The preachers who bluff to people about their journeys to Heaven and Hell and about envisioning the angels, belong to this kind. After a while, these ones will bend the doctrine according to them and will cook up stories, preach them as well.

Some pastors who are financially dependent on some wealthy and influential people are not prone to preach against the ones who nourish them. The Bible verse, “do not become slaves of men,” suits them well.

The preaching of the New Testament is only about the Kingdom of Heaven. The parables and preaching of Christ and the epistles of the Apostles were only about the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, the New Covenant focuses only on the Kingdom of Heaven. But when the pastors change the focus on other subjects, the Truth and other glorious facts remain hidden to the believers. One should preach what the people need not what they like.

The pastors who have taken loans to build grand churches for their ministry may not contend the sinful deeds of the people. Because, this sort of strong preaching might prick their conscience and they would leave the church and the income of the church may come to a halt. So they compromise on the Truth and they feed the prurient ears of the people, rising havoc.

When the non-testimonial, sinful lives of the preachers were exposed, which had lead to shame, they do not dare to preach the Truth because of the guilt they possess. The ones trapped in undisciplined private life, dishonesty in affairs of money, cannot be bold as brass in preaching as John the Baptist. They blah something to kill time and conclude their sermon. To reconstruct them is a tedious task. Nonetheless, everytime is possible with God.

Priest Eli cannot preach about parenting. Likewise, when their own children live undisciplined, non-testimonial lives in front of others, the ashamed pastors cannot preach with redemption.

The ones terrified of man’s fury and government’s oppression , beats around the bush rather than preaching the Truth, as they are timid to face the consequences. “The fear of man will prove to be a snare.” The one ruled by fear, cannot preach the Truth truthfully.

The ones allured by the fame of celebrity pastors, desire to become as famous as them, and copy the preaching and methods of those pastors and renounce the Truth. These fame-lovers will leave the true doctrine in choice.

The ones who make the people laugh, who want to show their singing talents, who only wants to be appreciated, and wants fame and opportunity to preach again will never preach the Truth.

The ones using people for selfish intentions, steering the focus of people towards them and uses the altar to frighten the people who are against these pastors will not preach the Truth truthfully. They are not at all preaching but blackmailing spiritually.

The pastors who started adultering the preaching with mercantilism cannot preach the Truth. While they sell music albums and books for their profit, they cannot condemn with sincerity that mercantilism inside the church is wrong.

Those who do not want to risk anything, will not preach the Truth. When a particular Truth is taught and when the people are encouraged to practise it, once the pastor gets off the altar, he will be asked doubts. They might phone him at any hour during the weekdays to enquire about their doubts. That is how one should guide his people. The shepherds who give importance to other ministry affairs, avoid preaching the Truth, not wanting to take such risks. The people who practise the Truth in their spiritual lives are blocked from experiencing it.

Those who do not control their blahing tongues, those who speak unnecessary stuff, those who complain, backbite, slander and swear cannot preach the Truth truthfully. “If you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman.” (Jerem 15:19)

The same Bible that encourages, “Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task.” (1 Tim 3:1) also warns, “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” (James 3:1) “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” enquires Romans 10:14. The path changes when the preaching loses its direction. There may be more causes other than the 20 above mentioned ones. Today, we only need preachers who are not trapped by any snares, and is not enslaved by any man, but a true spokesman of Christ, who can preach the Truth truthfully.

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