Is it written in the Bible?

Is it written in the Bible?

It is one of the questions that Christians often ask. This question is often raised by the people who want to preach God’s Word by twisting it for their own benefits rather than by people those who want to preach the God’s Word sincerely. “Is it written in the Bible that Jesus Christ declared anywhere that He is God?”, “Is the word Trinity written anywhere in the Bible?” And many more questions like these. Not only that, only a question like this diverted man from God for the very first time. Adam and Eve did not have a Bible then. “Did God really say?” (Gen 3:1) asked Satan and deceived man for the first time by inquiring him.

Satan tried to deceive Lord Jesus Christ by asking Him, “for it is written…”, Christ replied “it is also written…..” and defeated him. Many preachers show this as an example and insist people to read the Bible more in order to defeat Satan by telling him about the word of God. As Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the “Word of God”, Satan could not deceive Him using his tricks. However, is it possible for ordinary people like us? The religion has made the Truth messy! How many different, conflicting interpretations are given today for one verse.

In such an environment, can people like us debate with Satan and defeat him like Christ did? Certainly not! It is also “biblically” wrong to teach that all can escape deception if they are biblically literate geniuses. Because the Bible says, “And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. It shall belong to those who walk on the way; even if they are fools, they shall not go astray” (Isaiah 35:8). Yes, our Father has made us a way that even a fool cannot astray.

Today, the term “Word of God” reminds people only about the printed book, with thousands of pages. But the term “Word of God” must remind us of only one person, “the Holy Ghost.” Because He is the only authoritative person appointed by Heaven to preach the Word of God in the church.

As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him. (1 John 2:27)

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (John 14:26)

You gave your good Spirit to instruct them. (Neh 9:20)

Then what about the printed Bible that we possess?

The believers must first realize that the Holy Ghost is the authority appointed by the Father to preach the Church the word of God. And some other instruments come along with Him. One of the instruments is the teachers who have received the gift of the Spirit to teach(1 Corin 12:8). Another instrument gifted to us by the Father is the Bible. It is undoubtedly a great blessing presented to us by God. Many people shed blood and martyred to fetch us the Bible in our vernacular languages. Therefore we must not reduce the respect we have towards it.

Hence, we can receive the word through three ways:
1. When we read the Bible, the Holy Ghost converse with us through it.
2. The Holy Ghost talks with us through the word of God by means of preachers .
3. The Holy Ghost talks with us through intuition, experiences or by many more means.

The throne of “Word of God” in the church belongs to the Holy Spirit of God. If we let that throne to other instruments instead of the Holy Ghost, be it an individual, or a church, they will certainly go astray. The problem here is that some preach false things saying, “The Holy Spirit told me this, I dreamed, I saw a vision..” To confirm the truth, the church today has abandoned the Spirit of God and sought the help of a tool called the Bible. That is, by giving the Bible authority, the Bible is given the throne instead of the Holy Spirit.

Then how do we identify false teachings?

Aren’t we given the right spirit to deem the wrong spirit? Moreover, the church is already given the gift of descerning the spirits. Isn’t it? I am not concluding that researching the Bible is wrong. It is not incorrect to meditate the Bible with the guidance of the Holy Ghost to distinguish between right and wrong. My advice is that do not depend only on the Bible, leaving the Holy Ghost aside.

If you take the Bible to correct Christianity that is going in the wrong path, you are belittling the Holy Spirit of God. Christianity has become a mess only because almost anyone take Bible in his hands and preaches the doctrine the way he likes. Only the Holy Ghost can correct it and fix it.

Just because some churches give more importance to the ecstatic experiences by using the name of Holy Ghost and because of that you choose not to do it and get your church diverted towards the instrument called Bible, you are going to be defaced, too.

Likewise, some people added the instrument called Bible along with the Trinity of God, “Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Bible.” Do you realize how terrible situation this is? There is no adversity if the Bible is in the hands of Holy Spirit and He preaches us the word. But if you research the Bible with your own knowledge and depend only on it while you guide your church, eventually you would have created a Pharisaic group. Letter itself says that letter kills, doesn’t it? Spirit gives life (2 Corin 3:6).

Who taught us that the Holy Ghost only denotes ecstatic experiences, speaking in tongues and spiritual gifts, but the Bible denotes Word of God? If you are full of Spirit, you will be full of Word also. Hence, we should depend on the Holy Ghost for the Word, too. The Bible is a wonderful tool for us in this, and that’s it!

1 Comment
    • Janet Carolin P
    • August 10, 2024
    • Reply

    Satan tried to deceive Lord Jesus Christ by asking Him, “for it is written…”, Christ replied “it is also written…..” and defeated him.

    Today, I learnt a proper way to defeat satan with the Word of God and I also learnt that it is futile to read the Holy Bible without the guidance of Holy Spirit!

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