Letting Go of Guilt and Embracing Life’s Next Chapter

Letting Go of Guilt and Embracing Life’s Next Chapter

Guilt is a major factor that often prevents us from moving forward in life. The sins we have committed, knowingly or unknowingly, become a thorn of guilty conscience and a weapon that stabs and destroys us. It will make you feel unworthy, and it will rob you of your happiness and peace forever. It will not let you move toward the greater plan the Lord has for you in the next phase of your life.

The only remedy for this is to understand God as our Creator and Redeemer. There is no sin that He cannot forgive. “God forgives all other sins, but never your infidelity” is the lie of Satan. 1 John 1:7 says that the blood of His Son Jesus Christ takes away “all” sin and cleanses us. That “all” includes all sin and all unfaithfulness.

No one is innocent before God. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God says Romans 3:23. The blood of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ not only forgives our sins, but it also takes away our guilty conscience. God the Father sees a person washed in the blood of Jesus as He sees a man who has never sinned before.

There is no stronger antidote to a guilty conscience than the blood of Jesus. There is no other way for you to get rid of the guilty conscience forever. Don’t let the guilty conscience of some sin ruin your present and future. Embrace the great forgiveness of the Lord Jesus and move on to the next stage of your life. Great blessings and honour await you there.

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