To God for the people… 

To God for the people… 

Many years ago I wrote an article about believers who murmur against God. I later comprehended how immature I was when I wrote that article. Some years after writing that article there would be none who would have murmured against God like me. If the words that I uttered while murmuring were recorded and telecasted, people would come to a conclusion that I am not even a human, let alone a Christian. 

The article recorded strongly that murmuring is a sin that we commit against God, the solution for that is the knowledge about God. According to the Bible, the article would score an A-grade. Christians of any division will reward it as the best article. It is cent percent acceptable as per the Laws of the Holy Bible. However, every coin has two sides. The mistake I made while writing that article is, I did not see its other side. 

Philistines, Amalekites, Hivites, Jebusites never murmured against God. But only the Israelites murmured against God. Because God did his wonderful deeds only in the lives of Israelites then. Murmuring is the reaction that occurs only when we feel the pressure that opposes the natural state of self. This opposite reaction subsides gradually when the person realizes that the pressure is given on himself only to help him to be progressive. But this knowledge is not acquired by everyone sooner.

You may question me, why God smote the people who grumbled against Him in the wilderness. Did the people of God grumble only in the wilderness? Did they not murmur after entering Canaan, in the time of the New Testament, even now in the period of Church? Till today, we are grumbling more than they did. But God did not smite all of us like them, this is the answer to that question. If we meditate about this, it will become a theological subject. I shall move on to the article, so that you can meditate further on that subject. 

When I felt guilty and distraught about muttering against God, the Holy Spirit of God intervened and conveyed to me, “it is the symbol of the deeds of mine in you. But it is the opposite reaction exhibited by the flesh.” I can confirm two things here. One is, the flesh is still working in me, and the second is, God works more powerfully in me as well. 

Father rebukes the child he loves, it is His nature. The child rebuked by his father murmurs, it is his nature. Here, flesh and spirit, completely opposite of one another, opposes each other. The reaction of this event is grumbling. If there is no reaction, then it means that action had not happened at all. But that does not mean that God allows us to mutter.  We have to realize that He understands us. 

All the Biblical heroes must have come across this path certainly. If he were a mature soul that does not react, he would not need reproach or he would not need even God at all. Every one would have come across murmurings and tears in the school of the Holy Ghost. Even Jesus Christ who took the human form cried fervently and petitioned and learned obedience from what He suffered says the Bible in Hebrews 5:7,8. However, nobody is as mature as Him. 

All of them would have grumbled, retreated and would have been obstinate, they must have learned after being broken gradually. But the Bible does not have to hold the records of everyone’s mutters. The reaction of Job and Jeremiah are just lessons to let us know how they humbled and surrendered before God afterwards. “You deceived me, Lord, and I was deceived ; you overpowered me and prevailed. I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me,” (Jeremiah 20:7) it was the mourning of Jeremiah. 

When I murmured against God, the article which I wrote and the sermons that I heard accused me of sin. But the Holy Spirit of God told me that He understood me. That is when I realized the blunder of mine as a servant of God. 

A servant of God, stands for human on behalf of God and vice versa. But most of us become Super-spiritual beings after standing on the pulpit. All of the sermons that we discourse are only about talking to humans on behalf of God. We limit advocating to God on behalf of humans only as prayers. We must comprehend that God does not like this sort of service. 

“O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his neighbour!”(Job 16:21) 

“If I speak of strength, lo, he is strong: and if of judgment, who shall set me a time to plead?” (Job 9:19) 

“For he is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come together in judgment.Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both.” (Job 9:32,33) 

We have to talk to men on behalf of God. At the same time, we do not have to advocate for humans before God. Because He understands. But it is our responsibility to make men understand that God understands and knows about their weaknesses, and still loves them and stands for them, furththey cannot become wholesome within a day, it takes time. Until then, God waits and forgives their mistakes and moulds them with patience. We have to convey this to people with love. Only then, the drooping flower will not wither and the waning blaze will not be put out. 

But most of the preachers, stand on the pulpit and discourse only about the mistakes of people and assist them to accuse themselves as sinners. If that is the task that has to be done, what is your need here? God can employ Satan to do that task splendidly. Because he is outstanding and better than you in accusing people. 

Anyone can preach just by reading what is written in the Bible. The Pharisees did the same then. Is this the ministry that God wants from us? The ministry that is done without understanding and loving humans, and talking behalf of God is just half done. 

There are many Prophets who stood on behalf of God and warned the humans about the punishments that they were going to face, meanwhile God calls only Moses his friend, who advocated and requested for people and asked God “But now, please forgive their sin – but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written” (Exodus 32:32)

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