The seed matters

The seed matters

Some years ago I was asked to visit one of my relatives who was admitted in the hospital. As he was a distant relative, we never met each other before. I was going to meet him for the first time. As I was going to visit him in the evening, I prayed for him very sincerely from the morning. At that time, the voice of the Lord in me, very conspicuous and clear insisted, “do not pray for him, I do not even know him.”

I was appalled. I thought that it could not be God’s voice. How can the Lord who wants everyone to have everlasting life, He who gave His life for everyone of us could talk like this? I was bewildered. I did not bother the voice and I kept praying, but peace of mind and serenity in prayer was lacking. This experience was new to me. 

I got the answer for my confusion when I visited him at the hospital that evening. He was in a miserable state. After inquiring about his health, I asked him modestly before leaving, “shall I pray for you?” His facial expression suddenly changed, he was talking politely earlier, but suddenly he pulled his face and replied sharply, “I do not know who God is. I do not believe in God as well. I am not interested in that. I am a free thinker,” said he with a sharp tongue. I am writing this article after many years, he passed away lately. He did not accept Christ till his last breath. 

I learned a lesson from this incident. The same Bible that says, “He wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4)” and “whoever comes to me, I will never drive away (John 6:37)” also says “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated (Rom 9:13)” and “The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. (Prov 16:4)”

The Bible classifies people into two category : Wheat – Weeds, Sheep – Goat, Born of God – Born of Satan, Children of Light – Children of Darkness, Righteous – Sinners, Good Tree – Bad Tree and so on. Separating these two is spiritual politics. That is why Lord Jesus Christ said, 

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn “ ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.(Matt 10:34, 35)”

This is the difference between the seed of the Lord and the seed of the Satan. The seed of the Lord can be inside the camp of Satan and vice versa. Remember how Apostle Paul who was the seed of the Lord dwelled in the Pharisaic abode and Judas Iscariot, the seed of Satan who was pointed out by Christ as “one of you is a devil,” was in the abode of Christ. However, the Spiritual Polity of God in the earth will take the people to their respective abodes eventually. 

Can we identify people if they are the seed of the Lord or of Satan just by seeing them? 

It is truly a problematic question. The answer can be both “yes” and “no.” 

A believer who is mature in Christ and in spiritual experience can identify a person whether he is the seed of the Lord or of Serpent by sight and he knows how to handle him/her as well. Because Christ could do it uncomplicatedly. Remember the incidents in which, Nathanael who thought “Is this Narazene the Christ?” was called as “Deceitless Israelite,” by Christ and the ones who considered themselves as super-spiritual beings were told “you belong to your father, the devil,” by Christ Jesus. Nathanael remained as a good tree till the end, and the ones who were pointed out by Christ as “you belong to your father, the devil,” remained as bad trees till the end. “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” (Matthew 7:18) 

But for us who are still immature, still sprouting in Christ, finding out people whether they are the seed of the Lord or of Satan by sight is impossible. We can know people by their fruits, but that method was taught by the Lord to find out false prophets (Matt 7:15-20). We cannot match it with all the people. For example, Sadhu Sundhar Singh who burnt the Bible page by page was exalted into an Apostle. Not just that, we are called by the Lord to love, treat and serve people without partiality. 

Meanwhile, the Bible also advises us to be “shrewd as snakes,” (Matt 10:16). That is why the Holy Spirit of God divulges us sometimes about some people. 

This is the notion of writing this article. In case if the Spirit of the Lord reveals you about someone, be sure to hold on to that advice. If He indicates a man/woman as the seed of the Lord, never forsake them at any cost, despite the circumstances that they are in, despite the person that they are. God will employ him/her and will do wonders in your life and in the world through them. 

However, if the Holy Spirit indicates a man/woman as the seed of the serpent, beware of that person, despite how spiritual they appear to be. Never allow them into your life. If you are not shrewd as snakes in their case, they will surely give you agony that last for lifetime. 

The Holy Ghost does not always indicate to us about each and every one whether they are the seed of the Lord or of Satan. On top of that, if he conveys us about certain people, we have to approach the affair very cautiously. 

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