An important decision

An important decision

Whenever I preach youngsters, my sermons are about only one subject. It is about the most important decision a youngster has to make in his youth. It is, “Lord, the decisions I have to make in my life, be it mere or crucial like regarding my work and marriage, let it be as per your will and not mine.”

Because the highway and the way of Holiness said in the book of Isaiah 35:8 is this way. Even the foolish who walks on that path will not astray. Even though I could not learn about the truth properly, I chose that path only because of the love towards God, when I surrendered myself to Christ in 1996.

Due to that decision, the journey of my life took an unexpected turn since then. Not only to people who see me, my life has become perplexing to my own self. I was scorned and humiliated by everyone and I kept failing in everything I did. I was disappointed and worried if I had taken a wrong decision and wanted to come out of it and live like others. But we can not go back leaving everything behind in a lurch when we are chosen by God as His children. It is also like giving yourself into a yoke.

But we will certainly understand after some years that it is a yoke of blessing. We have not accomplished anything just because of yielding ourselves to the will of God or by choosing this yoke, we are not at all heroes of history. Our loving Father who took mercy on us and chose us by His grace, has made us make this decision through the Holy Ghost who lives in us. When we get to know this, we know that there is nothing to brag about. Our spiritual pride will also be subdued.

I am glimpsing at the journey of my life a quarter century back. My life appears to a story that was written by an eminent author. As He had written it in non-linear style, I felt it to be perplexing and mysterious in the beginning. I am astonished as various events that had happened at various times relate one another as though they are knitted exquisitely. There is no chance that any event might have happened accidentally.

Some certain incidents in the Bible, especially some incidents that have happened in the lives of Jacob, Elijah and Joseph, have happened and keeps happening to me chronologically like a template in my life, too. I am meeting the same sort of people that they had met. Some people who surrendered themselves to Christ have told me that events like these have occurred in their lives also, anyhow their experiences are different. We can read in the Bible that some incidents that occurred in the life of Elijah have reflected as such in the life of John the Baptist also.

It is not necessary for someone to be Super-spiritual in order to experience this. You can be a meek man or woman who has surrendered your life to Christ. “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun,” we can now comprehend what Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 1:9. Read the first chapter of Ecclesiastes, verses 1 to 11. The events that had happened earlier keeps occurring again and again, only the vessels are different.

That is why it is said that life is a circle. It’s not just a circle, it’s a spiral. You have to travel from the lower end to the higher end of the spiral. Or else your life will be stuck in the same state as though you are revolving the same circle again and again. We can now comprehend why God has given us the Bible.

This us the difference between people who are weary after running behind an illusion called successful career shown by the world, and people who choose to live their life meaningfully by surrendering themselves to God by carrying their yoke in their youth. Now I have a lot to tell my children. There are limitless astonishing events to convey them. My son lately said to me, “Daddy, your life can be written as a book, it is fascinating,” and then I planned to write this article with utmost gratitude towards God. Because, my life is not a story written by myself, it was written and is being written by the Creator of the whole universe.

I have only one request for preachers who preach among youngsters. Do not teach them the Mosaic Law by instructing them about the “Do’s and Don’t’s.” Guide them to make only one decision with all their hearts, “Lord, let your will be done in my life, not mine.” This is sufficient. God will take care of the rest of their lives. Their lives will be written as history.

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