Rhonda Byrne’s Secret vs God’s Secret

Rhonda Byrne’s Secret vs God’s Secret

You might have heard about the famous book called ‘Secret,’ written by Rhonda Byrne. Most of you might have read it, I have read it, too. The author states in the beginning of the book itself that she had found about the cosmological wisdom which was kept hidden for ages. Biblical verses are also cited in many places in that book. This book is one among the many bestsellers that has been translated in many languages.

“If you believe, you will receive,” this basic Biblical truth is the evidential verity this book states. I have also read another book of Rhonda Byrne called ‘The Power.’ This book says that when your heart is filled with love, you will live in a higher frequency, and that you will attract all the blessings towards yourself naturally. This is also true according to the word of God. These are good books, I do not object it.

If you ask me whether Christians can read such Self-improvement books, certainly we can. It teaches us good things. But many Christians drop Bible down and take such self-improvement books instead and celebrate them as the most prudent stuff. It is our duty to teach them to distinguish between the world’s wisdom and God’s wisdom.

Self-improvement books motivate us to dream. The basic teaching of those books is that the height of your improvement depends on the height of your dreams. “Water level determines the lotus’ height. A man’s stature is determined by the level of his mind.” This is a famous Thirukkural in Tamil, written 2000 years ago. This is what those books also say. According to the universal law, it is cent percent true.

But the Lord does not let His children to dream as such. He has segregated us from others. He has a big picture about our future. “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him, says 1 Corinthians 2:9. “Whenever we call to Him and He will answer us and tell us ‘great and unsearchable things’ we do not know,” says Jeremiah 33:3. He loves to bestow us with blessings not as much to grab with our little hands, but as much to give with His huge hands.

If you go with the flow of the universe, the universal laws will become true in your life. However, if you step inside the Kingdom of Heaven, not the laws of this universe, but the will of God will function inside you. It is not like a tiny dream perceived in your petite brain. It is the greatest dream of God on you that was perceived before the creation of the earth, before you were formed in your mother’s womb. You cannot even imagine such a magnificent dream, ever..

If Joseph had dreamed about his life, believing the cosmological law, he might have been released from the prison and gotten the same job that he lost before at Potiphar’s house. But the Almighty Lord’s dream exalted him as the Lord of Potiphar, the Lord of the whole of Egypt, as a counselor of Pharaoh and as an inevitable man of history.

The universal wisdom will teach you to trust yourself and your dreams. Whereas the Bible teaches us to believe in God. There is no doubt that the worldly wisdom will make successful people. But God makes history through the ones who trust Him.

In case if you are swamped with the worldly wisdom, keep it aside, take the Bible from your almirah, dust it and read it. It teaches us the greatest secret of secrets. “The glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27)

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