Rise above the matrix

Rise above the matrix

It’s a common understanding that leading a spiritual life entails attending places of worship, worshiping particular God, and adhering to the teachings of a religion. But spiritual life actually means living in a higher dimension. As we are caged inside this three dimensional body, and as we perceive everything only through our five senses, it appears to us that only this physical realm is true. However, to be honest the spiritual dimension is 1000 times true than this physical realm. 

As King Solomon says, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind,” this world is just a three dimensional projection. Its roots are in the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is not a fantasy world that located many light years away. The spiritual realm and and the physical realm are entangled together in the same place only.

Consider your body as the physical realm and your mind or soul as the spiritual realm. The two are entwined, aren’t they? A change in your mind manifests in the body, and changes in the body affect the mind. That is why the sages of ancient time said that “as above so below, as within so without” This means that you can comprehend the spiritual world in terms of the physical world and vice versa. As they exist in different dimensions, trying to perceive them through your senses is impossible.

Whatever happens in physical world is related to the spiritual world. God said, “Let there be light,” in the spiritual world, and darkness faded away in the physical world. In heaven, Satan asked God for permission to strike the godly man Job, and Job’s life on earth was shrouded in darkness. If we apprehend this, we can understand the relation between these two dimensions. 

If you want to rule, you have to comprehend about the spiritual world and have to learn to live in it. Because, from the spiritual world, we can either create or destroy anything in this physical realm. “God has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ,” says Ephesians 1:3. All these blessings are in the spiritual dimension. A spiritual man knows about the blessings he is bestowed in the spiritual dimension and knows how to fetch that blessing to the earthly world. The Holy Spirit of God teaches him about that. The tax that Lord Jesus had to pay that year was already deposited in the spiritual dimension. The Lord encashed it from a fish’s mouth in the sea in the earthly world. 

Learning the truth by reading the Bible, and conversing with the Holy Ghost lift us to the higher state, it will teach us the circumspection to live in that dimension. We have changed it into religious regulations and we are living with the worldly people, caged up, struggling inside the matrix. 

Learning to live in the spiritual dimension is a kingly lifestyle. The rule of the world is in the hands of such people. Because they can create or destroy anything in this earthly world. But as per the worldly man with carnal nature, he wants a tool called money to either create or destroy. He thinks that money is the only way. That is why he is entrapped by the desire of money. But a spiritual man knows how to make money in this earthly world, as well as he can do the impossible things that cannot be acquired even by money. The life that God bestows is that much great and glorious! 

After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here…” (Rev 4:1)

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