Dying to the opinions of others

Dying to the opinions of others

It is a good death to die for the opinion of others. Undoubtedly, the fellowship of the church is the workshop that transforms us to fullness as of Christ. But, there is a danger that you might be imposed with unwanted opinions. If you ask me if we should keep away from the fellowship of church, certainly not. “Let us not giving up meeting together,” advises Hebrews 10:25.

Some people who concentrate mostly on the cleanliness of the outside of the vessel might be dangerous to pull you towards certain uniformity. You must not get trapped into it thinking that you will not be accepted if you do not change your outside appearance as well. God loves to make each of child unique. Do not lose your uniqueness for anyone. ‘Unity’ must be present inside a church, not ‘uniformity.’ Church cannot be a place that imposes such things directly or indirectly on us. That is what we call as ‘cult.’

Another thing, some people in your church might be doing some ministry of God powerfully, and if you cannot do it as them, you do not have to feel guilty. Just pay attention to fulfill what plan God has for you. It might be something new to this whole world, nobody might have done it before. Fulfilling it is your blessing. Hence, do not burden yourself with unwanted yokes just to be appreciated by your pastor or other believers. Not only losing your uniqueness because of the fear of other’s accusations, but losing your uniqueness to be appreciated by others is also incorrect. We have to die for both.

Who are you? What is your call? What is the path that you have to take? If you learn all these clearly through the Holy Spirit of God, dying for imposal of opinions will become uncomplicated. The correct remedy is to always listen only to the Holy Ghost.

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