Prosperity > Rest > Immortality

Prosperity > Rest > Immortality

We saw in the previous article that the fear about scant lifespan ruins our rest and eventually reduces our lifespan. I have given the link of that article here in case if you have not read it.

Similar to the fear of scant lifespan, the fear of scarce resources also destroys our rest. The Satan has created an illusion over the world that the resources we need to live on the earth are very low. He directs the people, organizations, and governments through the fear of scarcity and also creates war and riots using this.

You may ask me if the resource scarcity is true. It is like someone saying that he is broke while he keeps his treasury locked. It is true that he does not have money in his pocket, but his treasury is full of wealth. The Heaven is the treasury that nurtures the earth. The problem here is, the Heaven is concealed from the human eyes.

Adam and Eve who lived in Eden never worried about resource scarcity. God created them after creating enormous amount of resources more than sufficient for them. Even if a thousand billion people live on the earth with a lifespan of one tousand years, God is potential to feed each of them for their heart’s content throughout their lives without missing a single meal. Until the earth is filled with the knowledge of God as waters cover the sea, these wars, riots and crimes will be unrelenting.

The fear that the goodness that I need is very scarce in this world, if I do not take it, someone will snatch it away, is the reason that causes chaos in the hearts of humankind. A man is pushed to a state where he does not even care about his health but his only goal is to struggle. Only when a man is certain that I have a Father who provides all my needs, whatever I need will never be unavailable, his mind gets a rest. This rest increases his lifespan.

When a superpower nation gets to know that the natural resources like petroleum are available more than sufficient, it will not send its spy to impoverished nations guilefully where the resources are plentiful, in order to intervene and conquer that land, destroying the peace of that nation. The unlikely news that we read today in the newspapers might not have happened.

If there are two churches in a same colony, why don’t the pastors of those two churches have a good fellowship. Why do problems arise in between them, ‘he had taken away the people that come to my church,’? This is also similar to the fear of resource scarcity. God is powerful enough to satiate ten churches in a same colony with numerous souls, isn’t He? If this faith becomes an experience, there will be good fellowship among the ten churches, isn’t it true?

“Is the Lord’s arm too short?”(Num 11:23) asks God to humans. The way He fed millions of Israelites with Manna and quails in the wilderness, the way He nurtured five thousand men with five loaves of bread and two fish and picked twelve basketfuls of leftovers, the parable of birds of the air and flowers of the field are lessons that break the fear of resource scarcity.

It is useless to threaten people by telling about Hellfire and Judgement in order to prevent them from sinning. A man will not commit any sin when he knows that he dwells under a prosperous umbrella, and that whatever he needs will be given to him. Nobody commits any crime like homicide and robbery with their will. “They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain(Isaiah 11:9).” This state will become possible like this in the Reign of Thousand years.

Live depending only on God as your source. Never worry about the availability of resources in this world. This world is empty handed. Let the ones of the world compete for the resources of the world. Nonetheless, we do not belong to the world. We are the citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. There is no scarcity for us.

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