I do know what you know…

I do know what you know…

If a patient goes to consult a doctor, after diagnosing the patient, the doctor will clearly say what disease he has. He will say it only once, not each time he visits him. In each follow up session the doctor will help the patient to recover from the disease by instructing him what to do but he will not tell him everytime that he has this disease and will not collect fee for that.

The patient already knows that he is a patient. He only wants a remedy. A doctor who tells the patient about his disease again and again without giving him a remedy is called as a “worthless physician” in the Bible.

When Job was struggling to find a solution amidst a lot of difficult problems, his friends kept talking about his problems. They were telling him about useless matters. Job told them, “What you know, I also know; you are worthless physicians, all of you! If only you would be altogether silent! For you, that would be wisdom,” says God. (Job 13:2,4-5)

Telling a believer who is already struggling against his carnal nature, “you are sinful, this is not Christianity. You do not bear any symbol of Christianity. You have to change yourself!” is similar to those worthless physician. Counsels like this are in the New Testament, I do not oppose it. When Lord Jesus Christ talks to the seven churches in the Revelation, He points their mistakes, too. But it is like diagnosing a patient and telling him about his disease once.

We do not need a physician to tell a patient that he is going to die. When a believer is already struggling with his carnal nature and worries that he could not bear fruit, we do not need a preacher to tell him that the trees that do not bear fruits shall be cut down and thrown into fire. God neither called you nor anointed you for this.

Teach them what a new creature is. Preach them about the transformation of body by restoration of mind. Talk to them that sin will not overcome a man who is under grace. Convey them that how a man who was born of God cannot sin. Remind them repeatedly about the nature of the seed of God in them. This is the remedy! The one and only remedy.

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