Account clearance..

Account clearance..

The spiritual account always contradicts the worldly account. When various foes of a man gather around against him, according to the worldly account, ‘his chapter is over!” But as per the spiritual account if those foes have gathered against a man of God, we should know that they are predestined to be sabotaged.

He replied, “when evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.” asks Lord Jesus Christ to the ones who consider themselves to be spiritual in Matthew 16:2,3. You cannot just brag calling yourselves spiritual just by doing some religious rituals and duties. You must know to interpret what is going to happen according to the spiritual weather in your life through the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

When the sea was tumultuous because of cyclone, Lord Jesus was able to sleep peacefully inside the boat. Paul and Silas were able to sing hymns to praise God when they were beaten up black and blue. The military of Jehoshaphat was able to sing praises and worship God even when they were surrounded by their enemies. Only those who can forecast the spiritual environment can be optimistic like this and can do the impossible, unimaginable and bizarre things in such difficult circumstances, unlike the worldly people who react conventionally.

The Roman Empire and the Jewish Sect united against Christ. A disciple who was with Him became a traitor. The people opined their judgement to crucify Him on the cross. Not only people, even time turned down against Him. “But this is your hour – when darkness reigns,” says Christ Himself in Luke 22:53. The military of the Hell that had been longing for ages for a perfect time to destroy the seed of woman, rushed to ravish Him.

But He did not even care, He went all alone and faced all those circumstances bravely. Because He was certain of what is going to happen and how it is going to end. The account that was against us for millions of years was cleared by Him all at once.

It does not correspond only to humans who are against us, but also to evil spirits and problems that bothers us. In a cinema, if all the villains gather against a hero, then it is the climax of the movie. It is always favourable for the hero. To convey it Biblically, “your days of sorrow has ended. Arise and shine, for your light has come,” is what it means.

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