Knowledge as well as authority… 

Knowledge as well as authority… 

The Almighty God sent ten plagues to Egypt in order to deliver His people from that country. And at the same time, He protected the Israelites from all those plagues who lived in Goshen inside the same nation. 

The sorcerers of Egypt had tried with their knowledge and created some plagues. However, they could neither save Egypt from it, nor let those plagues attack only Goshen. 

The sorcerers of Egypt were well versed in performing witchcraft. They considered it to be knowledge as well. The term ‘occult’ means ‘knowledge of the hidden.’ Knowledge is sufficient to create plagues, but you must need ‘authority,’ too, to prevent it from attacking one place while destroying the other. They had knowledge, but not authority. 

Our Almighty God had the wisdom to create gnats, locusts and frogs and also had the authority to prevent them from entering Goshen. Isn’t He the one who paves the path of orbit of planets and stars? Isn’t He the one who sets the boundaries of oceans? The planets shall revolve in the orbit He had commanded. The tides of the oceans will stop in the limit He had set. 

For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. (Psalm 33:9) 

The people of the world go astray behind knowledge. Knowledge without authority is lethal. That is why the people who perform witchcraft by employing evil spirits, die in the hands of those spirits. The Lord who concerns and protects us, has infinite knowledge and limitless authority. Therefore, we can rest easy in His strong arms.

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