Like a magnet…

Like a magnet…

Some people think that we will segregate ourselves from others when we become holy gradually. Holiness will never separate ourselves from people who are created in the image of God. Instead, Holiness will attract many people towards us.

A huge crowd of people surrounded Christ Jesus always. “Look how the whole world has gone after him,” mourned the Pharisees (John 12:19). Well, you may debate that people followed Christ because of the wonders and miracles he did. John the Baptist never did any miracles but a huge crowd went in search of him even in the wilderness where he wandered alone.

Like the ants go in search of sweets, people will seek the man of God. If a man lives solitarily in the name of saintliness, he is not living saintly but as a Pharisee. Never put on monasticism in the name of Holiness.

“From such withdraw thyself,” advises the Bible in some places about some people. In the beginning, when we are feeble in faith, this advice is necessary. But as we keep growing in Christ, the people we restrained from, will get attracted to us and will stick to Christ along with us. This is the true growth that should be seen in us. Remember how the tax collectors, sinners and adulterers sought Christ and got to live a life anew.

Many preachers perceive the humankind in the pessimistic view. However, we must not forget that man is created in the image of God. The void inside him can only be pervaded by God. When a man carries the presence of God in him, like iron getting attracted to the magnet, people are pulled towards him naturally. Let God transform us into such magnets!

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