Dare not tangle with God

Dare not tangle with God

“Allah is the best of those who scheme,” says Al Quran (8:30). It does not call him trickster pessimistically. Instead the verse means that the God is good in planning war strategy. The direct meaning of the verse is “Dare not tangle with God” The reason that I am quoting a verse from Quran is because of the way it describes one of the natures of God plain and simple. Tricking or conspiring gives negative meaning. Therefore, people who wrote the Bible must have omitted the terms.

The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. (Exodus 15:3)

The term warrior does not only mean his strength but also his wisdom in planning military strategy. He had dealt apathetically with great superpowers and great military in war and defeated them by stuporing them. A nature of God that I love the most is his perspicacity and prudence in battles.

When two people fight depending on their strength, the one succeeded and the one defeated are to be honored. Because both are heroes. The defeated one is scorned only when he is stupored! In battles, not only strength but prudence is important. The ones who fought with Almighty God were never defeated with honor. Because the prudent one will never stand against God in war.

From drowning the headstrong supercilious Pharoah in the deep-sea, to feeding Herod as prey to worms who wanted to be worshipped, in the whole Bible, even in history, there is none who died honourably after conflicting with God.

In the beginning, someone desired fame and said “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:13-14) His story ended with “maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you.” (Isaiah 14:11) I don’t know why, but from Lucifer to Herod, the story of all those who wanted to be worshiped ended up with worms.

The ones who oppose the children of God, who are dependent only Him, shall also have the same ending. The worldly man who rests relaxed during ordinary days, becomes busy during the times of battle. Whereas the child of God who is bustling during ordinary days becomes relaxed and rests during the days of war. It is because of his choice.

Never fight any of your foes with your flesh. Nothing is special even if you win or lose. Surrender your battle to the Lord. He will never let his nemesis to lose honourably. It might turn to be good for the defeated, too. Here, the love and wisdom of God combines in the victory. A haughty authoritarian (jailer) provoked Paul and Silas, he was arrogant because behind him was a supreme empire. He fastened the feet of the two innocents (Paul and Silas) in the stock.

God took over the battle. This Roman Empire may imprison and fetter them with handcuffs. But He showed the jailer that His Sovereign Empire will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. The jailer fell on the same feet that he fastened in the stock.

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30).

The battles that we do with our strength will certainly turn out to be chaotic. But God will end every battle that He usurps only as history. Sometimes, it will turn out to be a blessing to the one who was defeated and they may be saved. We also need that, don’t we?

Anyway, the most foolish decision a man could make in his whole life is to fight against God or His church or His children. Eventually, he will certainly learn that he is a brainless stupid. At the end of the battle, God will teach a warning lesson through him to the whole world…

That is,
“Dare not tangle with God”

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