Behold, thou hast conquered time!!

Behold, thou hast conquered time!!

In the spiritual realm, there is a small special group. God loves this particular group very much (Psalm 147:11). The people in this group are called “people who wait for the Lord.” Their life is different. It is the complete opposite of the flow of the world. They have been disdained and scorned by others around them.

The war between flesh and spirit is unrelenting, similarly they battle against an unrelenting war, too. This is a war between the wisdom of God and the haste of men. These are the people who were moulded in this war and begotten the fruit of ‘patience.’

The reason behind precipitancy of men is the fear of ‘time.’ He is imprisoned in the cell called time, isn’t he? Time will snatch away youth and give oldness; it will disintegrate life and yield death. It will steal away the strength of the limbs and the light of the eyes.

“Are you going to fulfill your promise in my old age? Will I have the strength in my body to experience the joy of the blessing in my oldness?” Those people would have asked such questions atleast once to God. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick,” (Prov 13:12) says the Bible, too.

They will comprehend after sometime that they are depending on the Almighty who is unbounded by time. In addition, they will also understand that they have also conquered the time as they believe in the Lord who transcends beyond time. Isn’t it impossible even to the Rulers of great empires?

Time cannot swallow everything. Promises of God has the power to stop the hands of the clock. Even in the wilderness, as the Israelites were inside the fence of the promise, time could not wear out their clothes and sandals.

Yet the Lord says, “During the forty years that I led you through the wilderness, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your feet. (Deuteronomy 29:5)

There will not be deterioration. Even if there is, the cells will rejuvenate themselves and the youth shall return automatically. In the whole world, eagle is the only creature that has the power to regain its youthfulness after becoming old. This potency to regain the youth like eagles, is gifted only to the “people who wait for the Lord.”

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

If you wonder that People of my age had turned elderly, but I am still healthy, strong and young, turn aside. It is because of the Promise of God that walks beside you. Abraham’s hair could have turned grey, but his cells were kept young because of the Promise of the Lord.

The worldly people work relentlessly with their strength, enjoy everything and disintegrate along with time. The one who hopes in the Lord, conquered the time, gets God’s promises fulfilled and reigns over the blessings he was bestowed.

Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord! (Psalm 31:24)

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