Remedy that is dangerous than the problem

Remedy that is dangerous than the problem

Satan is the one who unleashes oppression over the people of the world. He is also the one who directs the reaction which is the impact of oppression! He anticipates the impact of the reaction more than the impact of oppression.

When you segregate the ideology into two (as right and left), you can understand that they both came from the same origin. Both your right arm and left arm are adjoining the same shoulder, aren’t they? These both hands are controlled by one brain, isn’t it true?

The notion of Satan to create a problem is to direct the people towards the solution that he had already made. His crucial plan is the solution, not the problem.

Some time ago, women were trampled as slaves, it was Satan’s deed. He never likes women. Because the seed of the woman crushed his head (Gen 3:15). When women are treated so badly as slaves, good and honest people will rise against it. The intention of Satan is to use the key of feminism and take it to the next extreme level.

It is an undeniable fact that feminism is the imperative of the times. Wherever women are oppressed, feminism should be talked about. The chain of slavery of women must be broken. Men should also fight together for the liberation of women. Woman was not created to work as a slave to man. A man is not an authority on a woman. The biblical relationship between man and woman is based entirely on love and sacrifice, which is a stark contrast to the relationship found in today’s world cultures. This is not an anti-feminist article. It is about Satan’s ploy to send the Jezebel spirit into women and turn them into soul copies of Jezebel for his end time agenda.

The Spirit of Jezebel, whore of Babylon is doing that job relentlessly now. Comprehend this and pay attention to what is shown in the media and what is happening in the world nowadays, you will understand everything clearly. Satan has already enslaved women for many centuries through religious beliefs to achieve this.

Satan’s intention is to sow the seed of ‘rebellious spirit’ in women of these last days. If you think that he is not using men for his plan, it is not the truth. He is working to transform men as Ahabs and women as Jezebels, to destroy the family structure that God had created.

Women are the ones who carry the fetus of the future. The harsh rebellious character which has been sown in them repeatedly transforms their genes. Medical science says that harsh emotions tend to change genes. Only if he transforms the genes, he can create a new generation of children who has the spirit of Anti-Christ who is rebellious and against God. If you are a man who moves in the prophetic realm you will know that it is the spirit of Jezebel that creates and trains the spirits of Antichrist.

He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. (2 Thessalonians 2:4)

Feminism is an excellent antidote to female slavery, but it must not become a solution worse than the problem. There is no use for men and women to accuse each other. Woman is not greater, lesser or equal to man. Similarly, man is not greater, lesser or equal to woman. Women are special in certain affairs. Men are special in certain affairs. God loves them both. That’s it!

Gentlemen, do not get trapped in the illusion that men are greater than women, do not treat women as slaves. Ladies, beware of the toxin that Satan sows in the name of extreme feminism! Let the noble generation which loves God be born from your womb!

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