

You might have noticed in Television debates, one party will be speaking the truth, in a temperate manner. The other party who has no answer will shout to bring a chaos in order to stop debating about a certain topic. In shortly, his only intent is to ‘divert.’ Moreover, in an unwinnable situation, they take off the collar mic, blame the moderator or the channel and escape. However, the one who sobers correctly can identify who says the truth and who is justful.

The truth is solemn and serene. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets (Isaiah 42:2). He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth (verse 4). The Kingdom of God grows in a somber, tranquil manner. Nonetheless, like a mustard seed growing into a huge tree, like leaven spreading quickly to ferment the whole dough, it will spread widely to conquer the world.

But, the Kingdom of Satan which opposes the truth is called ‘Babylon,’ which means chaos. The only intention of this chaos is to divert the people from the truth. Because, the Satan has nothing to answer the truth. When a man sobers with the assistance of the Holy Ghost, he can comprehend the truth easily.

Never affix your attention on the chaos around or in you. Because it is the attempt of Satan to divert you. Let your attention only be on God’s plan for your life. Just like the people who abscond midway in the debate, Babylon will also fall sooner (Rev 14:8). Because chaos cannot extend its duration for a long time. However, the Kingdom of Heaven remains for eternity. Therefore, let your mind be set only on the treasure, the plan of God you.

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