Attention critics of the Church

Attention critics of the Church

If you have any critical opinion on a preacher or on a church, you must also have a question to pose on them, that should stop their work temporarily and stir them to think of the answer. Most importantly, behind your question, the Holy Ghost should be present.

Jesus Christ was also criticized as binge-eater, binge-drinker, friend of sinners and so on. But the Bible holds no record of their names. According to the Bible, It was just an accusatory mob.

In the 16th century, a man called Martin Luther questioned a church that had been reigning for several centuries, “the righteous will live by faith, says the Bible. Is it fair that you sell indulgences?” asked he. This one question of his turned the history upside down.

We can place our questions on the Church, but let that question change the history. And let the Holy Ghost be present behind the question!

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