Is the mark of the beast for you?

Is the mark of the beast for you?

The last book of the Bible is called ‘Revelation’ not ‘threatening ill omen.’ The author of the book is Jesus Christ, not Anti-Christ. The notion of the book is to create faith, not destroying faith by portending dangers. But many preachers are trying to scare people by telling them that they are predicting end-time dangers.

The beast will be thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulphur (Rev 19:20) is the judgement given to the Anti-Christ. No longer will there be any curse (Rev 22:3); He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away, (Rev 21:4) such encouraging verses are written for us in this book.

Fairly, Anti-Christ should be the one to be frightened everytime he reads the book of Revelation. We must feel happy and serene while reading it. But Anti-Christ is threatening the believers using the book of Revelation. What’s happening here?

When you are already sealed by the Lord (Ephe 1:13, 4:30), why do you fear?

The Lamb of God will look after the beast, the harlot, the false prophet and the serpent. Let us only seek the Calvary Cross. Only this will help us in spiritual growth.

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