The Glory of Kings

The Glory of Kings

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. (Proverbs 25:2)

Kings have a unique attribute, they research on matters. That is, they try to find the person operating an affair. The king might be good or bad, but he is ought to have this characteristic in him.

I shall show you a pessimistic example. God struck Egypt with plagues using Moses. Frogs came up and covered the land (Exodus 8:6). Pharaoh had many skilled sorcerers. What Pharaoh should have done? He must have chased away or destroyed the frogs that God had sent.

Nonetheless, what had happened? “But the magicians did the same things by their magic; they also made frogs come up on the land of Egypt(Exodus 8:7)” says the Bible. They also made frogs to come up on the land despite the frogs that had already covered the nation. Pharaoh neither worried about himself, nor bothered about his people. At last, God had to remove all the frogs (including the frogs fetched by the sorcerers) from Egypt. When the waters of Nile changed into blood, Pharaoh brought the magicians and changed the waters into blood himself. Do you conclude that he might be a lunatic? Not really.

Egypt is “the origin of the wisdom of the world.” Egypt’s ancient name was ‘Kemet,’ which means darkness. Words like ‘chemistry’ and ‘alchemy’ were derived from Kemet. Many ancient sects and philosophies were originated from Egypt. It was the superpower nation during those time. Why does the king of such a nation do such insane things?

The answer lies in the same chapter, Exodus 8:16-19. When God sent the plague of gnats all over the nation, the magicians of Egypt tried to do the same, but they could not. They told Pharaoh that it was the finger of God. Pharaoh did not care about himself or his people. He wanted to find out the potency behind these incidents. Sorcery was prevalent then. Pharaoh could have been dubious that Moses and Aaron could be magicians, too. That is why he wanted to find out the person behind these plagues. “I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the Lord,” says God to Pharaoh frequently in the following chapters.

Even after knowing the truth, Pharaoh did not repent and was judged. It is another subject. But is the quality of kings alone to search out a matter. Beloved readers, the blood that flows in our veins is the blood of the King of Kings. That is why we are given a gift to ‘recognize the spirits.’

In Matthew chapter 16, when Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God,” Christ saw the Father behind Peter. The same Peter when hindered Christ from going to the cross, Jesus saw the Satan behind him.

Similarly, in Acts chapter 16, we can see that Paul rebuked the spirit inside a woman that kept praising Paul.

If you are the children of the King, you have to analyze prudently the reason behind the events happening around you. These are the days that the reign of the world is going to be given to us, the children of God. Let us resolve the supreme qualities in us and become skilled in them.

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