Let me diminish, Let Him become greater!

Let me diminish, Let Him become greater!

Jesus Christ baptized many people more than John the Baptist. When the disciples of John informed this to him, he replied them that he was not the Messiah but sent ahead of Him. And also added that Christ alone should become greater in deeds, fame and in glory, let me be less (John 3:22-30). We might have heard these words from many who wanted to show their modesty.

Honestly, the spiritual growth is, us diminishing leading to the integration of Christ in us. This growth aids in integrating Christ in us and helps us to attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Ephe 4:13). Let us see how this happens.

Anyone could say that I want to become lesser. But who is that ‘I?’

Body is not that ‘I,’ it is my dwelling. Spirit is the life, it is the light given by God which sustains the life in ‘I.’ Then who is that ‘I?’

The soul called ‘Mind’ is the ‘I.’

What is mind? Mind is the collection of thoughts, intents, wills, emotions and knowledge and more. Inside each and every man, the thought, notion, will, emotions, knowledge are structured through the impact caused by the Babylonian world system. ‘Which is important, which is valuable, what is our need, what is beautiful…’ all such appraisals are imposed inside a man by the world system by creating a common opinion through its educational system, media, governments, art, economy and many other weapons. Hence, the ‘I’ of a man is designed as a mirror to reflect the world system created by the Satan. So, the ‘I’ has to diminish, hasn’t it?

Well, ‘He’ has to become greater means, who is that ‘He?’ He is the ‘Word.’ This word, gives us the complete different appraisal of the Heavenly Kingdom appertaining ‘which is important, which is valuable, which is necessity, which is beautiful…’ When you erase all the records of the world inside you and continue to record the words of ‘His,’ ‘He’ becomes greater, and ‘I’ diminishes. Our belief system completely becomes anew.

Hence, let me become less, does not mean that it humbles us, but it empties us. Let Him become greater does not represent exalting Him, it is about learning the Word with assistance of the Holy Ghost. That is why we are called as disciples, which means learners.

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