Co-directors wanted

Co-directors wanted

When we say, “I am just an instrument, God uses me,” we give the glory to Him instead of taking it for ourselves. But there is no use in considering us as instruments other than this. Even though God calls us as ‘vessels,’ he never treats us lifeless objects.

An instrument may be useful to its master but it cannot share a vision wilfully along with its master on a mission. It will not delight when its master succeeds. Anyone with emotions must not be an instrument of anyone. Honestly, it is not God’s intention to use us as instruments with no emotion or no desire. He did not create us to be like that. Satan is the only one to use us as his instruments and throw us when his work is done.

The day you think, “not my desires, let Your will be done,” might the last day that you pray for something with interest. It means that you are going to lose it. Instead pray, “let Your will be mine,” (Philip 2:13). Intake the will of God, his greatness and his beneficial plans. Meditate on them. Then naturally you will shun the corporeal desires and you will begin to love the will of God.

For instance, let’s talk about cinema. Directors decide the story, and the sequence of the scenes. There is a co-director along with him. He will draw in the imagination and desire of the director and transform them into his, and contribute to reproduce the director’s will on the screen. When the movie hits the box office, the glory goes to the director. The co-director will receive his salary as per the contract, his name will also be displayed on the screen to honor him.

Hence, forget this mentality of being an instrument, and serve God with the mindset of a partner. Then your prayers will be enthusiastic, too. Even in your worldly job, even though if your organization treats you as an instrument, change your mindset and consider yourself to be a partner of the organization and continue to work happily, you will advance in your ranks automatically. Because this is the formula for success.

“If you endure, you will also reign with Me,” (2 Tim 2:12) no Master will say so to his instruments. This statement is to be said only to his partners.

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