The another face of God

The another face of God

He is an eminent Police officer in that place. He is a nightmare to the criminals of that village. The horrific treatment that he gives to the criminals will keep them away from the thought of doing it again.

That Police officer had a three year old toddler called Jim, a very mischievous child. Their Father – Son relationship was so beautiful. He might be a terrific police officer in that village, but before his son, he becomes an infant. At the same time, he also reprimanded his son whenever necessary. Notorious Jim also behaves well when he hears a single reprimanding word of his father.

Jim is a toddler who has a little understanding. His father knows how to reprimand him with love to make him obedient. Then only the bond of father and son will continue to be lovely..

It is not necessary for the police officer to rebuke his child, showing the treatment given to rapists and murderers, saying this is how you will be treated if you do not obey. If a child is threatened like this, undoubtedly his future and mental state will be adversely impacted.

It is Jim’s gift that he had gotten a wise father who does not threaten him. Jim also becomes a police officer, inspired by his father’s nature and courage. Jim now understands why his father treated the criminals cruelly. He follows his father’s ways and becomes a remarkable officer like his father.

In the Holy Bible, we see that the believers are categorized into two types. One is ‘Teknon,’ infant believers, the other is ‘Huios,’ the adults. Both are believers. Teknon is infant Jim. Huios is grown police officer Jim. This is the difference.

It is written in the Holy Bible, how God is going to smite the Satan and his army. In the Old Testament, we can see how God targeted a certain race of people and how he slaughtered them to destroy their seeds on the earth. “God is a righteous judge, a God who displays his wrath every day,” says Psalm 7:11. The Bible celebrates him as the Warlord who massacres the foes in the battle field.

This is not written in the Bible to threaten the infant Teknons. Instead it is written to guide the adult Huios, teaching him how to be when he grows up. It is reprimandable to preach inappropriate stuff to infants which causes adverse mental impacts. The Father knows how to guide His child in the right way, how to discipline him with love. Let us learn from Him!

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