Of course, these are the last days.. for whom??

Of course, these are the last days.. for whom??

Yes, we live in the last days. There is no doubt about it. When we mention the term last days, most of the believers envision a picture in their minds, that is, the days of Anti Christ’s magnificent rule, the days when the children of God are crushed by persecution, days of deception, days of utmost sin. These are the only things on their minds.

This is just a half of the truth. It appears to be like editing and removing the scenes in which a hero is involved and only displaying the scenes of antogonist, this is how most of the preachers sermons are like, when they talk about the last days. They show our Lord like a half-wit police who arrests the villain at the climax of the movie. Watch the whole movie, then only you will know what is going to happen.

You are worried that trespasses will increase in the last days. But Satan is trembling in horror about the increase of grace when sin increases (Rom 5:20), he is terrified about the grace that is going to cover the whole earth like a colossal Tsunami.

Righteousness and Holiness are going to integrate during these last days, unlike ever in the history of the earth.

Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.” “Look, I am coming soon!” (Rev 22:11,12)

If you are hungry for righteousness and Holiness, then this is your time. Do you think that the one who said, ‘let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy’ will not make a way for us? The things we thought to be malicious are going to become auspicious hereafter.

This is the time for the revelation of the Sons of God, these are the days in which the sceptre of the church is going to reign, the glory of God is going to be divulged during these days. These are the days in which the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

These are the last days, of course. But for whom? We are going to live eternally, aren’t we? Will the word ‘last’ match the immortals? These are the last days, but for Satan! The time given to him is going to end. He is the one to be terrified about the last days, not us..

We should make use of the time to do our ministry more efficiently (not anxiously), there is no doubt about it. But there is no need to fret that there will be more horrific events occurring during these days.

If someone talks about last days, be courageous, do not worry..

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