I want to live happily

I want to live happily

Tell the world that you want to live happily…

The world will say that it is impossible. Furthermore, it will say, ‘there are many issues in your body, in your family, and in your business to snatch away your temporary happiness. There is no factor in you to keep you happy always. It is so hard to attain that state. It is impossible to exist on the earth in the circumstances we face today,” as adding fuel to the flame.

Tell the religion that you want to live happily…

The religion will tell that you do not deserve it at all. It will say, “God is angry on you because of your deeds. Your life is not in a state to satisfy God, yet. There are many more stuff for you to follow and forbid. Therefore, you do not have any right to be happy. Wear sackcloth and sit on the ashes.”

The world will say that it is impossible to be joyous. The religion will say that you do not deserve to be joyous. Nonetheless, both are falsehood of Satan. These untruths are deeply engraved in the hearts of each and every human.

Well, let’s break the lie of the religion, firstly..

The intent of God to place man in luxurious Eden is, to give him a happy life. The happiness that Adam lost because of his disobedience is redeemed back and given to ‘us’ eternally, through the obedience of Christ Jesus. Sin was the reason that we did not deserve happiness then. But now, we deserve to be joyous, because the righteousness of Christ is sufficient for us. Hereafter, we need not wait to be delightful until we go to the Heavens. We have received the rights and qualifications to be joyous, through Christ. Hence, the words ‘deserve, rights’ are useless hereafter.

Now, let’s break the lie of the world…

“What is the source of joy?” This question is important here.

The Triune God is the source and the perennial stream of joy. As we connected to Him through Christ, joy flows as divine stream in us. It is not related to our deeds, but to the One we are connected with. Until we were bound with Adam, void did its deeds in us, because this connectivity is related to the curse. After being connected to Christ, fullness do its deeds in us. Because this connectivity is related to the life.

To the Godless people, the world deceive them with temporary happiness. To the ones who know God, both the religion and the world deceive them that there is no place for happiness. Undoubtedly, we can live delightfully in this world. ‘Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!’ (Philippians 4:4) this affirmation is written, not for the dead, but for the believers who are alive on this earth. It is a commandment, too…

Honestly, we do not have to do anything to be happy. The only thing we should do is, we have to believe the Word of God, the Truth. That’s all! “I am connected with the Father through Christ,” by knowing this truth, we will be redeemed. Joy will become a part of our life when we realize the value of our redemption and the gifts that are given to us. The air we breathe in this earth will appear to pleasant then.

It is the will of God and our basic right to be felicitous in our daily life.

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