I in Christ…

I in Christ…

The Supreme God who created the Heaven, the Earth and the whole Universe is with me. He lives inside me, outside me and surrounds me. I am redeemed and protected by Him. He has a big picture about me, He has great plans for me. I am created for His plan and I am guided towards it each day. As I am in the hands of the Holy Ghost, I will not be diverted from my path.

I am His treasure. I am loved by Him. I am His dearest son, He is my beloved Father. Everything that is mine is His, everything that is His is mine. I am covered by the righteousness of God. Father sees me through Christ. I am righteous in Christ. God is happy with my deeds. I receive every good and perfect gift from Him. I offer gratefully to Him what I had received from Him.

Father is happy when He sees me, my family and my life. I am overwhelmed by joy whenever I think of Him. Our relationship is glorious and pleasant. Father and I are connected eternally through the blood of Christ. The bliss of this relationship always overflows in me. It is the most supreme blessing above every blessing.

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