Do not chase holiness!

Do not chase holiness!

Do not pursue Holiness in order to feel saintly by doing or avoiding something. That feel of Saintliness is temporary. Everyone who pursued Holiness like this were trapped by legalism. It is like a chasing a mirage in a desert.

We are saved from sin through the grace of Christ, if you believe it or not, it is the Truth. However, when we feel the freedom with our Faith, when we dwell in the feel of freedom, our vessel overflows and ensnarls us with endless gratitude, courage and joy. This feel takes us forward to the next step in our spiritual life. Other than that, the salvation given to us also denotes that we are Holy. It is not necessary for us to feel our Saintliness. Because it is the nature of the spiritual man who is the image of God.

An ordinary healthy man never tells everyone that he is healthy. Because it is his nature. When he gets a disease, which is apart from his natural state, he feels it. The immune system inside him makes him to feel it. There is no system in our body to make us feel that we are healthy and there is no need to feel it.

Therefore do not try to do or avoid to do something to feel Holiness. Instead, seek how to feel your redemption and how to dwell in that feel. It is lucrative!

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