Our spirituality is unique

Our spirituality is unique

Many Christians believe that the spiritual meaning of “world” is pleasure, luxury, lust, leisure, and fashion. The world mentioned in the Bible is not just about these, because the world also has a spirituality, which is the complete opposite of spirituality of the Cross of Christ.

Spirituality of the world kindles the desire in a man to become God (Gen 3:5); whereas spirituality of the Cross shows us the history in which the Son of God became the Son of Man to make Sons of Man as Sons of God.

It is the spirituality of the world to show those who have attained samadhi, Spirituality of the cross shows Christ who rose from the samadhi and conquered the death.

Spirituality of the world had come from hermits; it teaches people to shun the thrones. But Spirituality of the Cross had come from our King, it teaches us to run towards the throne (Col 1:5, 2 Tim 2:12). Spirituality of the world made emperors as paupers; Spirituality of the Cross calls paupers to become emperors (Rev 5:10, 20:6). Spirituality of the world asks you to give up on authorities, Spirituality of the Cross guides you to grab your authority (Mark 3:15, Luke 10:19).

Spirituality of the world tells you to shun your splendor and daub the ashes, while Spirituality of the Cross, lifts you to splendor from the ashes (Isaiah 61:3). Spirituality of the world makes you to renounce everything, it ends at water from wine, whereas Spirituality of the Cross begins with the wonder of turning water into wine (John 2:1-10).

Spirituality of the World, makes you naked (Gen 3:7), Spirituality of the Cross adornes you with the best robes (Luke 15:22).

Running away from yokes is the Spirituality of the world; breaking the yokes, is the Spirituality of the Cross (John 8:36). Spirituality of the world frightenes you not to touch, not to taste; Spirituality of the Cross tells you to experience everything given by God (1 Tim 4:4). Spirituality of the world controls, Spirituality of the Cross sets free.

The spirituality of the world teaches you how to make the “SELF” dormant by starving. The spirituality of the cross begins with the funeral of “SELF”! Climax of Spirituality of the world is liberation (Mukti), whereas the beginning of Spirituality of the Cross is Salvation (Mukti). Spirituality of the world just cosmeticize the same old sinner, Spirituality of the Cross is the birth of New creation.

Spirituality of the world tells you to rise your Kundalini in order to redeem yourself; while Spirituality of the Cross says that God rose His only Son to redeem you. Spirituality of the world teaches you how to hold your breath, while Spirituality of the Cross guides to hold the one that gave you breath. Spirituality of the world is dependent on the attempts of human; Spirituality of the Cross is built upon what our Lord Jesus Christ had completed on the Cross.

Spirituality of the world made the creations our God; Spirituality of the Cross made us the Boss of all creations (Gen 1:28). Spirituality of the world is serving the angels (Col 2:19); Spirituality of the Cross is receiving the service of angels (Heb 1:14).

Spirituality of the world is the struggle of the soul troubled by the world for enlightenment. Enlightened soul turns the world upside down is the spirituality of the cross! (Acts 17:6)! Spirituality of the world stirs up the glands of the brain to give you ecstasy; Spirituality of the Cross is the joy given by the Holy Ghost! Spirituality of the world is a Masquerade; Spirituality of the Cross is the Gospel!

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