Is disobedience your problem?

Is disobedience your problem?

Most of the preachers conclude that “disobedience” is the major problem, eying the non-testimonial circumstances in Christianity as well as believers who are submerged in sin. It was right during the Old Testamentary situations. Mosaic Law ruled the Old Testament, therefore, obedience played a vital role then.

The environment of New Testament is totally different. As “relationship” rules the New Testament, “Love” plays the major role here. The first commandment of Mosaic Law tells you to worship God (only) (Exo 20:2,3). Whereas, the commandment of the New Testament tells you to love the Lord (Matt 22:37). Old Testament wants your deeds, New Testament wants your emotions.

Every believer loves the Lord. But it should not be the love towards your sect, but it should be a love with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, all your strength, especially your love must prioritize God before anything. He utterly deserves to receive such love from us. However, the problem is, we failed to create such love in the heart of believers!

“If you love me, keep my commands,” (John 14:15), Christ did not say to accuse anyone. But the Christian cricle uses this verse incorrectly to only insist on people, “you are disobedient, so you’re lying that you love God. First, obey the Word of God and prove your love towards Him.” The medicine we give should not only destroy the symptoms of disease, but also to cure him completely by increasing his immunity. If someone is disobedient, then it a symptom that he does not have love for God. Therefore, we must think of a way to integrate his love towards God. Our sermons also should be based on that.

Not only disobedience, faithlessness among people is also because of lack of love for God. He is the Lord who sacrificed Himself for us, He is the epitome of Love! If someone cannot love such a compassionate God, then the reason is he did not know him well, he was not preached about the loving nature of God. Whose mistake is it?

The peak of emotion of a man who is submerged in the love of Christ is “I should never ever hurt my loving God.” If you can take someone to this point, you do not have to worry about teaching him about obedience, and there will be no need to frighten him about Hellfire and Judgement.

Love is important!

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