Yes, Lord!

Yes, Lord!

In the past, when we did not know our God, He said coming to us, “repent, you are a sinner.” We did not agree to it, we were headstrong and replied, “I am better than everyone. I did no harm to anyone.” Then through the grace of God and guidance of the Holy Ghost, we realized when our eyes opened and replied, “yes, Lord, I am a sinner.” The next moment, the door of salvation opened. We are enjoying the joy of redemption.

Now you are redeemed, God says, “dear son, your are righteous and holy now.” And we answer adamantly, “no, Lord, I am that same old sinner. I am a dust, dirt, ragged clothing…” When our eyes open to the light of the Word, not through our self-attempts, not through our self-righteousness, but when we realize the truth wholeheartedly, that we are righteous in Christ, and confess with faith, “Yes, Lord, I am righteous in Christ,” the very next moment, the door of victory shall open. We shall journey through the glorious experience that everyone born of God overcomes the world.

When we surrender ourselves to the Lord and answer, “Yes, Lord, as you say,” when he tells something to us, then we shall acquire the glorious experiences said in the Bible.

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