Not the conscience

Not the conscience

‘Mosaic Law was our guardian that guided us towards grace,’ says the Bible (Gal 3:24). For the Gentiles, who did not have the Law, their conscience was their teacher, that guided them to rationally choose between good and bad (Rom 2:14,15).

It is true that in the Old Testament, if you abide by the Law you will have the love of God, if you are disobedient, you will be subjected to the wrath of God! But us, who were guided by our conscience once, before becoming children of God, still give the same position to conscience, thinking if you calm down your conscience, you can please God; or if you feel guilty over something, you think that God is furious over you. It is the consequence of not knowing the Gospel properly!

Honestly, this mirage is ripped apart by the Gospel. God has pronounced us “Righteous” through the crucifixion of Christ on the cross (Rom 3:22). We are covered permanently by the Righteousness of Christ. It is utterly a wrong understanding that, if your conscience calls you righteous, God also calls you righteous; if your conscience calls you sinner, God also calls you sinner. This is totally based on Self-righteousness.

Our case was already judged and given a verdict permanently. In the perspective of God, we are always righteous! Hereafter, not our conscience, but the Holy Spirit of God, who is inside us, is the one who guides us through the Word of God.

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