This is the bravery of the God’s Kingdom!

This is the bravery of the God’s Kingdom!

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2)

This is the prophecy said by the Prophet, Isaiah, 700 years before the birth of Christ. The Heavens had declared it as it had happened before, which is yet to happen after several centuries! How is this possible?

“Are there favourable conditions in this earth for the birth of Christ? Can He live as a spotless lamb in this sinful world, especially in Nazareth where nothing good comes? Can He manage the brutality of crucifixion on the cross? Even if he manages to win, can he trust these weak men and give the covenant into their hands?” If the Heavens had pondered so much, the birth of Christ in Bethlehem would have been kept as a secret from the enemies of darkness.

But the Heavens had suspended a star to indicate the birth of Christ and celebrated it as a festival along with the orchestra of angels. In the battle against the Prince of darkness, our Almighty God did not just declare his own victory, but he had also set a limit to Satan, saying, “you will strike his heel.” Until then even Satan would not have known it. This is the style of the Kingdom of God! Conspiring against someone’s back is Satan’s timidity. The brave style of our God is that he tells on the face before he strikes!

Even today, the wedding supper of the Lamb is being prepared. Not based on the ministry of you and I, but depending on the Almighty hand of God who controls everything.

‘Can I run my race properly? Will I get my crown at the end?’ These doubts and anxiety only occur when someone thinks that he had been holding God’s hand. If the Kingdom of God thinks like this, there will also be nervousness until we go up there. But there is no end to the singing, praising, happiness, worshipping in the Heavens. They will not stop worshipping even if you are afraid that you had fallen.

The ones who think that God has been holding their hands, can be joyous in the earth as in the Heavens. They can shout aloud with belief that nobody can snatch me from my Father’s hand (John 10:28, 29).

Do not trust in your tricks, but in the Seed inside you. Then you can also bravely tell before Satan and the world, “because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.” (2 Tim 1:12)

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