Protect your mind before anything

Protect your mind before anything

There is no doubt that there is Satan behind ordeals of a man. But as most of us think, he does not stand behind us with huge horns, tail and a spear in his hand (as in Onida TV advertisement of 90’s) to conspire against us. Only if we know how he works, we can find a solution for that.

His only target is our mind. He knows very well that if he plants a pessimistic thought in our mind, he can destroy us totally. He plants pessimistic thoughts in our minds, against God, against ourselves, against our relations, circumstances, our future hopes, our daily events, and against everything that surrounds us.

The negative thoughts that Satan gives us is like giving a crowbar in a man’s hand to bury himself. They divert the path of our life.

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he,” says the Bible in Proverbs 23:7. Are you grieving often, why this happens only to me? Are you frequently thinking that the circumstances are against you because God is against you? This thought does not come from God. If you are a believer of Christ, you deserve the compassion and love of God. God likes to bless you. The truth is that he has opened beneficial doors for you. It is not God who has to change, but us.

The only solution for this is the Word of God. Not only Satan’s but God’s target is also our mind. Are you not aware of the blessings of the New Covenant, the New Creation, is based of transformation of mind? Research in the Bible, who is God to you, how he sees you (who have been saved), and what are the rights and authouries he had given to you. Fill your mind with the Word of God. Let those Words rule your mind. The praise that had come from your lips until then will then flow from within.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Rom 12:2)

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