I appeal to Caesar

I appeal to Caesar

Jews conspired against Apostle Paul and complained about him to the Roman Government. They planned to get him executed in the percept of inquiry. Paul got to know about their conspiracy and spoke wisely during inquiry. The one sentence he said turned the whole situation upside down. He said, “I appeal to Caesar.” (Acts 25:11)

This one sentence turned the direction of their inquiry. The ones who were against him were turned off. Paul was a Roman citizen. He knew well about the rules and regulations of Rome. He knew how powerful it is to appeal to Caesar.

Similarly, David knew the potential of Appealing to the Almighty God in times of ordeal. He has also written what had happened once when he appealed to God.

In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because He was angry. (Psalm 18:6-7)

Read the whole chapter to know the events that had happened after David’s call to God. Even the angels might have trembled in fear when they saw the zeal of God, as though a most compassionate father, who even disarrays the world for his child. The Bible says that the foundations of the earth shook at God’s wrath.

Even today, when we face trials, we call out to the Lord. But we do not know the value and the potency of our appeal in the Heavens. After crying, wailing, lamenting and screaming, we feel at ease that our prayers have been heard. It is not incorrect to cry and wail to God. To whom can we share our pain, if not him? But the thought that only after crying our prayers are heard, is wrong.

The solace that you feel after that is not because that your had been heard, but because of the secretion of a Feel-good hormone called Endorphin, that is secreted by your brain after your grieving and wail. But the truth is that, the remedy has already come from God before you prayed.

The Son of God called himself Son of David. But David cannot call himself a Son of God. Because, he was an Old Testamentary devotee of God, that’s it. However, you should never forget that you and I are children of God who had been adopted through his blood. If David, a devotee’s cry had so much power, think of the potency of ours, His children!

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