Wholesomeness that flows over

Wholesomeness that flows over

Everyone asks why God planted the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Eden. But no one asks why God planted the Tree of Life in Eden. Adam and Eve were not created as mortals. They were created to be immortal people. Then what was the purpose of the Tree of Life in there? 

Life is the state of existence is the understanding of our petite brain. But, according to the Heavenly Realm, Life is a special blessing that keeps multiplying. The Fruit of the Tree of Life multiplies the life in us. That is why Christ Jesus says,“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). 

In the New Jerusalem of Eternal Kingdom, there is a Tree of Life that yields twelve different types of fruits and its leaves are prone to heal people, says Revelation 22:2. Why do we need healing leaves when there is no disease? It is our understanding that health is the state of being immune to diseases. But in the Heavenly realm, health is a normal, yet supreme blessing. This blessing will keep on multiplying limitlessly. 

Why is God worshipped as Holy, Holy, Holy in a place where there is no sin? It is our understanding that being Holy is shunning evil. Holiness also multiplies. That is why, the Bible says in Rev 22:11, “let the holy person continue to be holy.” The Holiness of God is the peak of divinity that cannot be explained by words! Hence, this state is worshipped with reverence. 

Us, living in the curse of the world, living in an illusion, understand that Holiness is the state without evil by appraising sin. Maybe, the people of Heavenly realm may understand that sin is state without Holiness by appraising Holiness. 

Not just Life, but Wholesome Life.. 

Not just glory, but Glory over and over.. 

Flowing wholesomeness in everything.. 

That is the Kingdom of our Father! 

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