Let Him bless you

Let Him bless you

There was a beautiful couple in a village. Husband desired to treat his wife as a queen. He wanted the whole village to awe him for the way he treats his wife. But, he could not do anything as he thought because of some circumstances. But, his wife, despite any situation, loves him and serves him wholeheartedly. The whole village appreciates her, seeing her witness. They both turn old. Wife dies satiated. But think of the mental state of that husband! 

Most of us like to place God in the similar mental state of that husband. Many people today, reason that Christianity is going behind miracles and blessings and run to the extreme opposite. Nowadays, there are many sermons that preach, you do not belong to this world. You should only seek eternity. Do not expect worldly blessings from God, if you do, you are of the world. Don’t ask him to bless you, you are materialistic. He will keep on putting you to trials. Each time you should prove him your love and sacrifice. He will give you only the opposite. But you have to be positive and happy about it. 

“If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied,” nails the Bible strongly in 1 Corin 15:19. At the same time, God will not teach about spiritual satisfaction without satisfying your appetite. You should understand that he will not talk about the spiritual  robe of righteousness when he dresses you in ragged garment. He loves to satiate us now, in this life and in eternity, too. He wills to provide and protect you the way a husband would do for his wife. Let him do that in your life. 

The priests that Paul warns us, “Their God is their stomach” (Philip 3:19) are equally as dangerous as the priests who say, “Do not taste! Do not touch!” (Col 2:19-23) Stay away from the sermons that urge you to be an over-righeous, to be satisfied spiritually to neglect the blessings that God loves to shower on you. 

You do not object that we are the ones who are going to praise him in our eternal lives, do you? But when I see the deeds, and listen to the speech of some extremely righteous people, I feel that they are pushing God to the state of that husband, I mentioned in the story. God wants to create circumstances for us in this world so that we can recollect and praise his majestic, great deeds in our eternity. Spiritual blessings are crucial in it, yet, the blessings of this life also comes under it. Try to understand that. 

This worldly life, is not just for us to prove our love towards him, but to let him prove his love towards us. Keep this in mind and let him bless you in every part of you. He does not bless us to put us to test, but it is the symbol of his love on us, his children. 

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