Heavenly Angels and Earthly Angels

Heavenly Angels and Earthly Angels

Godly angels are messengers of God who fetch the information from God to people. We, as servants of God, do the same thing. But, there is a difference. God sends the message through Angels to Abraham that He is going to ruin Sodom Gomorrah. Angels might not have become nervous when they heard what God said, but Abraham became anxious. This is the difference.

Moses, the great prophet, cried out to God, “blot me out from Your book,” for the people. We do not know if angels are being trained in Heaven, but the Holy Spirit of God never uses a man in ministry without training him properly. The sole plan of the training is, to understand well and love, the one to whom you serve (God), and the ones you serve (people).

Nothing will change if you just see the inappropriate behaviour of people and stand in the altar to warn them aloud about the Old Testamentary curses.

If a school Principal tells to a good father, “your son is not behaving well, teach him to be disciplined,” the manner in which his father reacts will be totally different from a Hostel warden, when the Principal says, “your hostel student is not behaving well, teach him to be disciplined.” Both will try to discipline the child, but a father will become anxious about his son. On the other hand, the warden will enforce rules for the principal on the student. God anticipates that a servant of His should behave similarly to a father.

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